Logan Hadley

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Hey guys... So I'm Logan Hadley, Cato's younger brother. I was born on February 14, 2198, which makes me 17 currently. I was born with my Father's blonde hair and blue eyes. Cato and I received our looks from our Father. I feel a little bit bad that neither of us look like our Mother. But then again... Maybe it's a good thing... He doesn't have to look at us and only see our Mother... I think it would just cause him too much pain everyday. I see that pain every time it gets closer to her birthday or on the reaping day... He does his best to be happy but I still see it in his eyes. I guess that he thinks we won't see it as much... I can't help it though. I guess being related to the guy makes it easier to see how they're actually feeling. My Mother passed away in the 56th Games. I don't like talking about it very much though... Just in case Father is around. I don't want to cause him that much pain. I mean... From what Grandmother told me, I was only a few months old when Mother went into the Games. She always told me that she was going into the Games to save a friend.

This year, the 74th Games, marks the two years that I have left in the reapings. If I can just get by... I won't have to leave my Father's side and cause him pain... It's hard enough to hear him drinking down in the bar on her birthday. I don't want him to do that on my birthday. Or Cato's for that matter. I don't want to hear him going through anything like that. It's nice seeing the picture of Mother up around the house, but if there were more of Cato and I... It would probably give the house this feeling that just won't be good... A feeling that would bring everyone down and then that would travel down into the bar... Everything would then run down more and possibly close. That can't happen to them. I won't let it. I won't let Cato go into the Games. I'll volunteer for him to keep him out of those Games that took our Mother. He may be strong but he could get too attached to his District partner, if it's that Clove Greenleaf chick.

Clove Greenleaf isn't a good influence. I've watched how she trains and everything she does is just ruthless. She's careless with how she throws and doesn't give a second thought before throwing her knives. I focus when I'm working with the daggers. I want to be able to give the victim a swift death. Not some death that draws out their pain. I won't do that unless the other tribute kills my District partner. That will be the only way I'll make someone suffer. Maybe that's the reason why I'm stuck in the middle of my age group. I hesitate and think about it. Greenleaf doesn't have to though... She can just throw and it hits the head or the heart each time. Her carelessness can be the death of her. I'm not even sure how she hasn't gotten injured during training yet. Maybe because she focuses on not getting hurt and everyone is too afraid of her while she has a weapon in her hands.

All of that is the horrible things about the District. To me there's only one good thing... One thing worth living for or worth fighting for... That's Andrea Smith, my girlfriend and hopefully future wife. Relationships develop fast and I've already promised her marriage after we're both safe from these Games. I don't want to have any children grow up without a parent. My kids will have both of their parents around when they're being raised. We both have these last two years left in the reaping bowls... The sad thing is that she's at the bottom of the age level... Her weapon of choice won't help her very much in the arena...

As for the Capitol... I can't stand them. No one in my family can stand them. They're all fake people and just enjoy the Games too much. They don't see how 23 innocent children are slaughtered just so one can remain standing. The Victors support the Capitol. I haven't seen one that doesn't support them. If there ever has been someone that doesn't support the Capitol, they're taken care of. It doesn't matter who you are to the community. I've come to the Training Center one day to have an instructor pulled out. She never came back after that. Haven't even seen her in the District. There's been rumors that she went to District 13 though. People have been saying that it still exists and there's rebels there now. They're gathering together and living the Districts under the cover of night. Mostly the poorer Districts though... Their fences aren't electrified everyday like ours are. I'll be surprised if there's a day when the fences aren't buzzing with power... If they are... I'll take my chance and run. I'll join the rebels if I get the chance. Hopefully Andrea comes with me...

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