Another day of Heartbreak

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A couple days after the talk I was always around Mrs. Cocoran and she didn't mind either I heard from Rachel that she always wanted a daughter so I hug her a lot and I see her in the halls all the time. Today was just not the day for me my parents hit me a lot and I just am super sad and I right now hate the world when they are in it they have hit me ever since I was little. I just want to run away from them and right now I have to wear a big jacket to cover my bruises and scars. I went through the hall with people staring at me I mean I kind of get it I mean seeing a girl my height wearing a big jacket in the middle of fall I mean it is barely cold outside. I then go to my first period and I see Mrs. Cocoran in the desk and I ask her Are you my sub and she nods and I smile and say Yay finally this class isn't boring anymore and she laughs and I ask her can I sit next to you and she nods and I sit right next to her and a couple minutes later the rest of my class came and I could see all the guys staring at Mrs. Cocoran and I start laughing and she looks at me confused and I wisper I will tell you later and she nods. After the bell rang for first period to end I took my time my next period is right across so I can actually take my time and I still won't be late. Then Mrs. Cocoran asks me why were you laughing earlier and I replied saying some of the boys in my class were checking you out and we both laugh. I then ask do we look alike and she nods and says Like mother and daughter and I then say I wish you were my mom and she looks at me surprised and I say Yeah I really want you to be my mom you are like a mom to me and Rachel told me ever since you had her you have been wanting a daughter and since she is all grown up and I am still a baby and she nods and says I will be your mom but you still have parents and I shake my head and say they hate me and she says they don't hate you and then I say then why do they say they hate me then they hit me and she looks at shocked and saying (well almost yelling) They hit you and I nod and take off my jacket and show her my bruises. She then looked up at me with tears in her eyes and I was surprised and I asked her are you crying because of me and she nods and I say I'm  sorry and she laughs hysterically and I am shocked and then Finn comes in( I quickly ut my jacket back on so he won't notice the bruises on my arms and and scars on my stomache and so forth) and he says that Blaine and Rachel just got egged by the Vocal Adrinalene and I of course had no idea who those people are but when I saw Mrs. Cocoran roll her eyes I guess they were bad. I went with them and then the bell rang for my second period and I looked at her worringly and she said that is was ok and that she would talk to the teacher and I nodded. I held her hand. I felt comfort surround me when I held her hand all my surroundings vanished except Mrs. Cocoran she smiled at me and I smiled back and when we went through the hall and I saw Rachel and she was going to the restroom and she has tear stains on her cheeks and so Mrs. Cocoran took me to Mr. Shue and I had to stay with him for a while with him until she comes back and he talked to me while she was gone and he was nice and all but I missed Mrs. Cocoran and I of course wouldn't be rude and not reply to his questions but I really wasn't happy when she wasn't around me. About an hour later she came back and said that I can stay with her for the rest of the day to redo the time I lost with her which meant I get to miss the rest of school so I nodded. She said that she has to go home if that is ok and I of course said sure so I took my backpack and we walked to her car and her car was a Range Rover and I didn't notice but I stopped in the middle of the road with a shocked and she just grinned and laughed while she almost dragged me to her car and I then snapped out of my daze and then said this is a nice car how much did it cost you and she replied saying that it was a gifted to her from her old school that she taught at and I said I really like it and she smiles at me we then both got in the car I got in the passenger seat because I might seem small but I am tall enough to sit in the passenger seat and my weight is too. She then started driving while we listened to Broadway and I loved every song from the radio and I sang quitly to all of them but I had no idea that she was listening to me sing she then said you are very talented and I looked at her shocked and she just laughed and said well first of all you have a great second of all I'm not deaf so I heard you sing. I then say I'm not that good and she looks at me shocked and said you are and I am not saying that because I am your teacher but I am saying that because you truly have a good voice and I said Well what you just saw is the last  time you will ever hear me sing again because I am and never will be that good to make it anywhere in life I am to afraid to even sing in front of you and am to scared to even do it in front of Glee Club. She then stops her car in front of a apartment complex building and I am shocked and I then say you live close to me and she nods and says that is cool and I then get out of the car and she hold out her hand and I take it and she says to me you will always be good enough and you will always be my baby girl ok and I nod and hug her and I say three words that I thought I could never say to anyone in my entire life I said I love you and surprisingly she says it back she says I love you too baby girl. I then went with her to her room and it was really big  and I loved it and I felt at home with her and I hug her again. She hugs me back and I say I like it here and she replies saying maybe one day you will live here with me and I look at her shocked and she nods and I  run up and hug her and said when that happens I will finally have the one thing I always wanted and she said what is that and I reply saying a mom and she kisses my forehead and says then I will have a daughter that I will always love and cherish every moment with her and never treat her in any wrong way and I hug her again. She thne asks Are you hungry and I nod and then say But you don't have to make anything I don't want to be a problem and she shakes her head and says Oh baby girl you will never be a problem to me or to anyone and  I say I am a problem and a complete mistake to my parents and she just hugs me and says but to me you are nothing like that to me your miracle and hope that one day I will have a daughter and I say I love you Mrs. Cocoran andshe says I love you too baby girl.  And then she goes in the kichen and she says Want to help me make dinner and I can help afterwards with your homework and I nod shyly and of course we made dinner and it was for the first time in my entire life that I actually had fun doing work and then she helped me with my homework and it was actually easy since she was by my side if I needed help I look to her and she explains the problem and she didn't mind if I didn't get it because I have learning issues and I thne told her and she understood and she explained it even to a point I knew what to do. After homework I knew I had to get dropped off and I didn't want to leave and I could see Mrs. Cocoran didn't want me to leave either but I had to and I hated to leave. We both got in her car and I told her my adress and she drove to the adress and I got out of the car and she did as well and she hugged me and kissed my forehead and said I love you baby girl and I then said something I was actually comfortable with telling her I said I love you mom and she started crying and said I love you baby girl and then she gotin her car and drove off and for the first time I felt loved but now I will have to wait the whole night to see her tomorrow and when I went inside my house my parents started yelling and hitting me and saying I am a useless piece of sh*t and now I have to say "Another Day of Heartbreak."


Hey guys I hope you like it I have been needing gto update for a while now well hope you like it.

Cadence Cocoran

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