Chapter 22: I love you

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"Come on, Niall!" I yelled, "The plane is going to land!"

Niall pushed his way into the seat, arms full of various foods, "This plane food is amazing!"

I giggled at him, "I know it is. Buckle up, babe." I said. Niall clicked his seat belt and set the food on the table in front of us.


"Hello boys! And Elizabeth!" The interviewer said . "Welcome back to America!"

"Thank you! It's great to be back!" Liam said

"Oh and Niall, happy birthday!" the interviewer added

I smiled, "Thank you very much." I said as I but my arm around Beth's waist

"Do you have any plans?" the interviewer asked

I shrugged and looked at Beth, "Apparently there is but she's keeping it a secret." I said, then I looked at all the  boys, "I know that they know too but no ones telling me anything!" They all laughed.

"It's going to be a surprise!" Beth said excitedly

The interviewer looked around, a confused expression on her face, "Aren't we missing one? Where is Harry?"

We all exchanged cautious glances, until I answered, "Harry couldn't uh, make it today. He was..not feeling okay." I said slowly. I quickly looked over at Louis who gave a slight nod.

The interviewer looked at her watch, "Oh it looks like we're out of time. Well it was very nice to meet all of you!" she said

Zayn nodded, "It was great to meet you as well."

Louis nodded in agreement, "Yes, thank you for having us!"

 They stopped the camera and we all got off the couch and walked out onto the bus. I turned to them, "Well that wasn't awkward."

"She ind of put us on the spot there." Liam said

"We probably should have had an excuse ready.." Zayn said

Louis put his hand on my shoulder, "You did a good job covering for him, Niall."

I chuckled, "Thanks."

"Where did he go anyhow?" Zayn asked

I shrugged, "No ones heard anything from him."

"Well that's no good." Liam said

Beth ran onto the bus and jumped on the couch, "LET'S GO, PAUL!" she yelled, "WE'VE GOT A PARTY TO GO TO!"

 Paul got into the seat, "Yes, ma'am." he said, starting up the bus.


The bus pulled into the driveway of the boys' house in LA. I giggled excitedly was the bus screeched to a stop and the doors opened. I internally screamed with excitement when I peeked my head out the door and saw there were already tons of cars there.

The house glowed with flashing lights of different colors, that shined into the dark sky, while music blasted. Niall stepped off of the bus and stood beside me, also looking at the house, "Wow."  he said

I grinned and looked up at him, "What are you waiting for?" I asked. He grinned too and I took him by the arm and pulled him to the door.

 Louis pushed the door open and we stepped inside. The place was already full of people. The living room furniture had been moved to the corner, leaving the middle of the room very open, like a dance floor. Niall grinned at me again, "You did all this?" he asked

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