The Bus

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I woke up to my alarm clock, And to me face first on my bed. I shut off my alarm clock, And walked over to the mirror on the other side of the room. In my reflection I saw my face with make-up smeared everywhere. I got the smeared make-up off my face and got ready for school. After I got dressed and put make-up on and shit I headed down stairs. I got a bowl of cereal. After I was done eating it I looked at the time. "7:20? Shit, I'm gonna be late for the bus." I mumbled under my breath as I quickly got my school bag and headed out the door. I ran to the to the bus stop to see two boys chatting about, I don't know stuff? Anyways, When I got to the bus stop, I stood there panting and staring at the ground.

"Are you ok?" I heard one of the boys say, I'm pretty sure it was Dan. I looked up to see Dan staring at me, And Phil Doing his own thing, Not really caring to much. Which was pretty much what I wanted from him right now. 

" Yeah, I'm fine." I said snapping back into reality.

"Are you sure? 'Cause you looked like you were going to die a second ago.?" I was dying of embarrassment inside. Did I really look like I was dying. No wonder I suck at PE. I can't run without looking like I'm going to die any minute.

"Yeah I'm sure, It's just that I didn't want to be late 'cause it's like-" I stopped to look at my watch real quick. "7:24. Shit, The bus is late... again." After I said that Phil look at me straight in the eyes with no emotion, actually he basically gave me the death stare.

"IT"S 7:25?!?!?!?!?" Phil yelled with surprise and anger.

" God Phil, It's only a bus, It will be here, Just wait." Dan pointed out. Phil gave Dan the death stare.

" No it's not about the bus, Well at least not all of it. It's about getting to class late." Phil then turned around and stared across the street.

"Ok then Mr. Grinch." I said well staring at the back of his head, As me and Dan started giggling as Phil ignored us. Then me and Dan stopped giggling and watched for the bus.

Why is Phil so mad? I mean there and still days like this, And he never acts like this. Maybe I was because of last night. Maybe he's just mad at me. Should I say sorry. No, Dan would want to know why I'm saying sorry to Phil. Maybe in English I could say I'm sorry. Yeah, No ones will want to go into our conversation, And the teacher will just think were working. I mean the teacher doesn't really care anyways.

                                                                                                                  *Few Minutes Later*

The bus finally came. As usual I sat in the way back of the bus. But this time was different. I was scared to sit in the back. I had just got to remembering about last night, And scared about what Phil would or will do. Would he tell all of his friend he kissed me? Let's be real, He would say that I kissed him, Because people will hate him and shit.

                                                                                                                         *At School*

I got to school. And surprisingly I wasn't late. I can't say the same for Dan and Phil.

"Ok students, So I think you know what to do. So you can get started and get to work, Capiche?"

"Capiche Mr. William." Most of the class said in a faint voice.

Then Dan and Phil walked into class as everyone was getting to work. Luckily for them Mr.William didn't see them come in the classroom late. They quickly headed over to there partners. Phil came to the desk next to me and smiled at me.

"Hey Maisie." He said getting the stuff for our project out.

"Hi, You're in a nicer mood Lester. What happened to you?" I said sarcastically.

"Nothing really happened to me." He went silent.

"Is it about last night? If it is I'm really sorry about that. I really am."

"Well yes and no. I mean....... Just meet at me after school at my house, K? I looked at him confused.

"What, Why?" He look at me straight in the eyes.

"Just, I don't to talk about it here. Just come to my house. Plus you kinda have to anyways because of this project."

"Ok, Fine, Whatever." I said trying to be mad. But who could be mad at him.

After that off topic conversation, We started doing our project again.

                                                                                                                          *After School*

I opened the door to my house. I opened the door to find my two brothers in the kitchen, And my mum was nowhere in site. I yelled I'm home, And then ran up stares to get dressed into something different then my school clothes. When I got up stares I got walked into my room, Then got dressed into this: I walked down stares, Told David and James that I was going to Libby and Phil's House, And then left.

When I got there I knocked on the door three times and then waited. I saw the door creek and it was Phil luckily.

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