Works Sucks I know .7~Joey [2015 in progress]

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Joey wished he could have said they sat and talked for hours and all felt right and nice in the world. An everything kinda was until Kaiba's phone rang.
Truthfully the whole affair was rather awkward. I mean who would of thunk it right?

Seto and him being civilized people of the 21st century.

The coffee was good. He felt a moment of sadness because it sure didn't taste so good now.
The liquid currently resided (Along with most the rest of his stomach's contents from their luncheon) all over the warehouse rooms cement floor.

Joey barely had any warning before they had leapt on him the first time. It took five of the hyenas to bring him down. Their laughter and echoing cackle about the building. At least the sound told him what kind of room he was working with.

His senses were already functioning in hyper drive more than making up for his blindfolded state. Know what they say about being shockingly aware in the dark? Well in that regard he didn't draw the gene pool short straw. Mostly all this was thanks to the guys careful treatment of him, not!
Meaning, he knew what accompanied the whoosh of air around his person moments before it happened. Not that it changed a damn thing.

The only thing he could do was squeezed his eyes shut as the fist slammed into his solar plexus His back hit the ground with a thud, barely saving his head from doing the same he lay still.
Bile once more started to rise choking awfully in his throat.
He futilely gagged, but there was nothing left to wreck.
The sound of footsteps receding.

A moment more passed maybe half an hour he couldn't tell.
Till again they pulled him upright, all this roller coaster up and down was making him a bit dizzy.
To think just mere Hours ago, he'd been across the table from seto.
Now he'd only traded one demon for another.
No, that wasn't right Seto was a dragon for sure calculating and cold as his favored card's blue eyes.
Or maybe not.
Dragons were at their core fiery creature.
Just all in different ways a bit like cats wheeler mused as another volley of blows rained down upon him. He easily blocked out the abuse but then abruptly they ended their tender ministrations.
The sudden ceasefire caught his attention, in a way the countless hits before did not.
Why had they quite? What was going on? Wasn't the phrase beat until they drop, wake em with water if you have to, don't ever stop?
Precise Footsteps thudded one after the other unpausing a gravelly voice spoke thundering out from behind his general direction.

"What's with the hold up meh boy, I'm missing the cards! "

Sharp confused intakes of breath from the men around him, served as not only warnings but, time to try and stop that god awful ringing.

He couldn't take much more of this B-movie mobster script. It wasn't even funny more like a B-movie mobster script that thinks it's a A-movie- this isn't Buffy The Vampire - where was he going with this?

Nowhere soon apparently.
When the noise ended and wheeler had his bearing and eventually gathered up some modes of energy.
He started to become curious about his surroundings.
Not the location, Joey knew where he was but, the people.
So he listened in, straining his poor ringing ears to catch the exchange.

Wheeler had an urge, a gut feeling if you will, that this was something he'd better not tune out.
"You better get to compensating for this lack and start talking '.

The voice sounded as if it came from a big man, a big unworried man. Big and unworried was not a good sign.
All sound terminated before him and Joey could feel his hot breath making him flinch.
"Here you have, -"

Joey to slowly suppressed a yelp when strong hands brutally yanked him by the hair into standing position.

'this I want to know what it's doing here, purging its lungs .'

His heart titterd, skittering wildly, for a beat the stupid thing was hammering away to escape his chest. The next few words confirmed his fears after he was unceremoniously dropped. The posturing started again. Really it made no sense if they were going to beat him up anyway way why not just go on and do that? Efficiency I mean if this guys was such a "Busy Man" one would think that's the route he would choose. Nothing wrong with a classic hit 'n' split, the disturbing image of his captures getting their rocks of entered his mind. Only without all the yah know other stuff.

Joey quickly corrected. If that was the kind of thing they did with their boss then Seto and I are going about it all wrong. He hoped this was just his pain talking.
'Why was it not taken somewhere else? Well, boys? Its stench is positively rank! I can think of a few new locations"The voice drawled more amused then admonishing.

Let him laugh now get it out of his system before I remove his vocal chords. Joey colorfully thought plotting predictable boss henchman number ones death didn't lessen the ache in his side to bearable a degree, but it did raise his satisfaction. It helped to know that for him they had spared no expense having brought him to this fancy warehouse and everything.

He wanted to take up his shitty room arrangements with the head of housing, though.

They would be receiving a hefty fine.
There was a brush of air as if the fellow was spreading his arms in a sweeping gesture.
"For example, a watery grave six feet under "

Joey under stand's having a limited vocabulary he is mostly self-taught after all, but this is getting ridiculous. Their punishment hasn't yet brought him to tears but this, yeah this just might.

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