How I Know He Even Cares 11~Joey

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There ! He's found it, finally! Joey's eyes scanned the desk again and he scowled.
Willing his Jedi mind powers to work.
And the laptop still wasn't here.
Seto must sleep with it freaking kaiba Joey snickered quietly the thought of 'ole blue eyes' clutching his suitcase like a security blanket.
Was almost too much however, now he needed stealth. Breaking out in loud guffaws would land him locked up persona non grata faster than you can say 'duel'.
He snatched a plain old empty manilla envelope off the desk and dropped the device in , sealing the deal with a lick .
Daintily, with more care than he ought to have he grabbed a fine point ink pen probably worth half his rent.
After, a moment's consideration he tore the envelope back open.
Slid open a desk drawer and took a piece of stationary watermark, with a you guessed it blue eyes white dragon, and scrawled a hasty message.
Then he not so carefully plunked the thing down on the desk .
This would have to do, after last nights failure his work obviously wasn't over yet best start hustling .
With that done, Wheeler liked to think he strode out the door but it was more like a speed walk on the verge of breaking into a run .
Joey couldn't slow down didn't want to .
How did he know any way for sure it wasn't just the b@sterd looking after his investments.
It was a known fact Kaiba didn't care unless, you had a lucrative business deal.
Now, that was another story entirely he bitterly recalled .
Money and greed it made the world go round. Not that he was any better.
He shouldn't even be up after that beating, but here he was.
He ignored the wayward thought of ' Anything is possible Not everything is permitted ' fat load of good that belief ever did his father anyhow.
He  slowly put the looming iron wrought gates far behind him. Why did Kaiba just have to have such a long drive way any how? At   least now he had money enough to flag down a cab.
Right now he is just Thankful that the force must have been with him. It was laughably  easy to escape the Mansion.
Almost too easily. Even after the Kaiba residence with its large empty windows like dark sunken eyes was well behind him he felt uneasy.
It took constant reminders that houses were not sentient.  Hey he had seen Haunted house with serenity and was secure enough in his masculinity  to admit that  he had covered his face most the movie. There is something to show for all this, minor enough as it was .
The apartment was sparse and cleanly, as ever.
He managed a sort of walk, limp into the building and down the short entrance hall.
So far so good, though best not count your chickens before they're hatched.
Lured into a false sense of security he relaxed .
In a flash a glimpse of streaming locks Serenity ran up joyful as always.
The one and only bright light in Joey's life .
Only later as he spun her about with abandon did he notice a single carnation with tag clutched tight in her fist.
She gleefully proclaimed it was for him.
His younger sister was merciless in her  Teasing.
She is sure  that he has a secret admirer.
The delivery man had said so through the drop box .
He was too busy  thanking whatever was left on his side of the karma field, she hadn't opened the door.
He examined the stem.
Ironic how someone was kind enough to trim of the thorns.
Carnations, red carnations are a symbol of love or devotion. They smell overbearing and pretentious. Not  Seto's style.
But no, he is instantly aware this one means something else.
He doesn't even consider Kaiba, doesn't let himself. Joey has been with him the last few days he would know. Beside why would Seto threaten him? His sister? This is all too veiled and indirect to be the bastard.
He felt his thumb over the place card took in a deep breath steeled his nerves .
Joey 's stomach dropped falling faster than a stone, face paling merely upon sighting the intricate gold lettering.
How did he know?

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