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::Spoilers from Bluestars Prophecy:::

I don't think he deserved to go to Dark Forest. He did try to gain power, but I don't think he deserved it. You think of him, as a power hungry brute like Tigerstar. You're right again, but think about it, he really didn't do anything wrong. He did try to take over position as deputy, but did he make it there? He was going to take over the clan. Didn't Bluestar also want to be leader? He wanted power. Don't all cats? Didn't Raggedstar? Nobody looks at him as an evil cat, and he was hungry for power.

"B-But he trained in Dark Forest!" So did Crockedstar. Is he evil? I think, your only looking at what's in front of you. He wanted to get stronger. He wanted to learn what he wasn't being taught so he could take contol of "his clan" easier.

"But what about his hatred for Bluestar?" They weren't friends. Bluestar was a softer fighter than he was, and she was more attatched to the warrior code. He didn't think that was acceptable. He thinks that strength is everything. So she was to soft for him. She also calls him out for the bad things he does. Wouldn't you be ticked too? They just didn't like each other.

"He thinks its Bluestars fault Snowfur died." Snowfur, Bluestars sister, and his mate, dies on Thunderpath, while she was chasing a group of cats. Bluefur was there at the time, and I believe Thistleclaw was too, and he blamed Bluefur. Why? Well, because it was Bluefurs idea to leave camp, and she was the only other one there. He also believed she could save her, but she had died instantly. If you were in that situation, would you just blow it off? I doubt it.

"He hated his own son!" Well, he was white with blue eyes, just like Snowfur, who is dead. It would probably hurt him to look at his son. And, Bluefur was looking after him. She didn't let him out of her sight. Thistleclaw hated Bluestar, and Whitekit started to act just like her. He wanted his son to follow in HIS pawsteps. Not Bluefurs.

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(Sorry if I missed anything)

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