Shattered dreams

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Viola and Honey sat on the big bed and stroked Layla's tense form. They had been told very little information from the men as to what had happened. All they knew was that Layla's house had been compromised and the guys were dealing with it.

'You wanna tell us what happened?' Viola asked softly. Touching Layla's cold cheek. 

'He was here.' Layla breathed. 'He had a gun.'

'Who was here baby?' The purple headed woman prompted.

'He said he could have had me any time, he's been following me for days. He wants me back.' Layla choked out.

'How can that be?' Honey asked with her sweet little voice. 'That monster is still in hospital. Isn't he?'

'It wasn't him. It was his friend. They've all been watching me. He got in my house. He shot at Tommy.' Layla was still lying curled up on her side and her voice was dead and flat.

Viola hissed through her teeth. 'He's fine though.' It wasn't a question.

'He looked fine.' Honey murmured almost as as answer.

'Tommy shot him. He shot him in the head. I saw it. I was there.' Layla's voice cracked and she clamped her eyes shut and curled tighter.

'Oh baby,' said Honey softly. 'No wonder you're so freaked out.'

'It's not that.' said Layla pushing herself up. 'He was in my house. He was going to kill me, or Tommy or try to r....He was here to hurt someone. I don't care that he's dead. I don't care that Tommy did it and that's what bothers me. I saw my husband murder someone in front of me and I don't care. Am I a bad person?'

'No baby.' Said Viola forcefully. 'You said it yourself, he was going to hurt you. Tommy did what he had too. That other fucker needs taking care of too. He'll be dead by morning.'

'He said he's been watching me. How come no-one saw him. Where has he been hiding?' Layla said with a frown. Suddenly she gasped and lept from the bed. The two women were shocked at her sudden flurry of movement but before they could stop her, Layla had thrown the door open and dashed down the stairs.

Nash turned to face her and she skidded to a halt in front of him her eyes glancing nervously to the gun in his hands. 'Nash,' she gasped 'I need you to take me somewhere.'

'No can do sweetheart. My orders are to keep you safe, here. Tommy will kill me if I let you go outside.' He replied in a deep husky voice. Layla nodded at him before turning away. She watched him as he turned to speak to Honey and made a run for the door. She pulled it open and ran.


Tommy's fist came down again and the younger man sagged to the floor with a thud. Tommy was standing over him like a rabid dog and nothing but blood was going to satisfy him tonight. Dane tried to raise his head to look at the huge man but his eyes were starting to close again. New pain mixed with the pain from his old injuries and he breathed raggedly, trying to stay alive. Tommy had other ideas.

'Tell me you didn't think you could get away with it?' Tommy roared. 'Your shithead mate, came to MY house. With a fucking gun. Did you think I would just let him walk in and take her? What was the plan hmmm? Kill me then drag my girl out and show her who's boss? Let me tell you something now, before I kill you, you fucking rapist piece of shit, Layla is my wife and I'll kill anyone who so much as looks at her in a way I don't like.'

Tommy turned and nodded to the other men in the room. Jonah walked out along with another biker, Jude. Jude had been with Tommy for years, he was a gnarly old bastard, hard as nails and almost silent but Tommy trusted him with his life. When they returned they were dragging someone between them. Dane could see just enough that the other person was dead. The man was dropped just in front of Dane and Tommy grabbed the bloody mass of hair at the back of the head and lifted it so the face was clearly visible.

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