The end of all things

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Kelly-Ann had been bound and slung onto the back of one of Sidewinders men's bikes. She sat there, slumped in the saddle, head lolling to one side. Layla wondered what would happen if the cops saw them but she had a feeling that in this part of the city the gangs ruled and no-one would dare interfere with what was about to go down. Layla had no idea what would happen to the other men that had been found in the house but as they pulled away she saw the tell tale glow of orange flicker behind the window boards and a thin smoke curling under the door.

The ride was thankfully short to the next location. The cluster of buildings that surrounded the yard were old and rusting with cars and trucks half dismantled scattered around. A breakers yard. The doors to the building nearest them creaked in the wind and although it looked abandoned and lonely, Layla had the uneasy feeling of being watched. To her it was like being in a horror movie but she realised that she was no longer the victim in the scene but the killer, stalking her prey.

The whole group walked confidently into the central building and the interior was instantly flooded with white light from the overhead strips. Layla looked round at the machinery surrounding her and shuddered inwardly. Places like this always made her feel uneasy. Kelly-Ann was starting to stir. She had been unceremoniously dumped onto the cold dirty floor and now she was staring to whine about her bindings.

Sidewinder nodded to one of his prospect and the yowling woman was dragged upright and thrown onto a chair.  She glared at everyone through her greasy hair and snarled when her eyes  met Layla's. 

'What the fuck you looking at girl? You think you're better than me, is that it? You think you can drag me out here and get me talking like I owe you something. Let me tell you something little bitch, you were a damn mistake and I regret nothing.' Kelly-Ann growled as she fought her bindings. One of Sidewinders men took hold of her to stop her falling and Layla just looked back, emotionless.

'Did you hear me slut, I. Don't. Care. About. You.' Kelly-Ann screeched and kicked out with both feet.

Jude moved forward and stuffed a filthy rag into Kelly-Ann's mouth. She fought harder and screeched even louder. Her chair toppled over as the men holding it had let go. There was a crack and Kelly-Ann howled in rage and pain. Layla nodded and the men grabbed the back of the chair and righted it. Kelly-Ann fixed a pain filled, malevolent glare on her daughter but Layla looked bored as she waited for the other woman to stop squawking.

Layla dragged her gaze away from her mothers face and meet the eyes of everyone else in the room before settling back onto the bound woman. She had the floor and everyone was waiting for her to take the reins, it was her show now.

She shifted her stance and nonchalantly looked at her fingernails as she began to speak. 'You have it wrong mother ,  I don't care about anything you say. I did, I wanted answers. I wanted to know why you sold me and why you hurt my father but now I don't care. You see, I understand it all. You're a whore and a pathetic, selfish, filthy junkie scum bitch. You don't care about anyone and no-one cares about you.' Layla stepped closer and swiftly kicked out, her booted foot caught the leg of the chair causing it to snap and the woman to crash to the floor again. Layla remained still as her mother writhed. She pulled back her foot again and this time she made contact with ribs. Kelly-Ann squealed and twisted but she couldn't get the cloth from her mouth and the pain from her ribs and arm was excruciating.

'I see you look at me.' Layla continued 'I see you full of hatred that I'm hurting you know but I have only just begun. I suffered years of it. Almost two full decades of pain, all because of you.

Layla paused again and kicked at the woman's face who cried out feebly and tried to roll away.

'Where are you going mother? You think I'm going to let you get away. He never let me get away. The monster you sold me to never let me miss a punishment. He beat me for everything from talking to boys to wearing the wrong dress to church. I couldn't escape him and you won't escape me. You've got twenty years of pain headed right your way.' Layla was snarling at the end.

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