Locks and broken hearts

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'Layla? Wanna talk to me baby? I know my dad said some dumb shit things but come on sweetheart, I hate seeing you like this.' Tommy said quietly to her. She kept her back to him, her spine ramrod straight. He held his arms out to her as he moved to mace her but she kept her back to him.

Tears coursed down her cheeks but she was damned if he was going to comfort her. She'd had enough of men's hands on her.

'Come on darlin' everything is going to be alright. Everything is going to better once this is over and we're at home. Just the two of us.'

She snorted in derision at his words and spun to face him. He was shocked by how fierce her expression was but also how broken she looked.

'You think this can be made all better just like that.' she hissed at him 'Its all there, all rotten, the whole lot of you. Filthy bastard men who think they can do what they want. Well I've had it. I'm sick of wife beating, control freak, fucking rapist men. I'm sick of being groped and pawed and...and..and being surrounded by men who think that women are weak and need to be corrected. I hate the whole lot of you, you're all as bad as each other.


Layla blinked back at him. He'd never raised his voice to her before but she'd pushed too far this time. Tommy's voice became icy as he lowered his tone and snarled at her. 'I have done everything for you. I've cared for you, loved you, rescued you from your worst nightmares. Fuck Layla I've even killed for you and you throw it all back in my face, you dare compare me, me to those monsters. I'd bow down and worship at your feet if you asked me to but its not good enough is it. You said it yourself: we're all the same and I'll always be just another man ready to pounce. Thanks Layla.' 

Fresh tears fell from her eyes but this time it was from guilt of what she'd said. 'Tommy I.....'

'Save it Layla. You made your feeling clear.' he said holding his hand out to stop her coming closer. 'You're going to have to ride with me unless you want to stay here.' he said over his shoulder and she tottered forward. The anger had left her and all she was left with now was sorrow and guilt as she climbed back onto the bike. She clung to his back as he sped away from the curb and couldn't stop the tears pouring from her eyes. The crack between them was now a great yawning chasm. Could it ever be repaired?

Tommy was angry. He was angry with himself and he was angry with the people who had hurt her. She was right men like that were everywhere but he wan't one of them. He cursed himself for shouting at her. He'd seen the look on her face he'd hurt her himself, a thing he swore he'd never do. Christ this was falling apart. He could feel her sobbing quietly against him. She needed to know he still loved her. 

There was no way he could stop now. The highway was flanked on all sides by dry arid rock, the occasional tree and the road stretched on in a never ending line. He dropped his hand to the side and caressed her thigh but she stiffened under his touch. Fuck! He gritted his teeth and sped up. In the distance he saw two familiar bikes and soon they were caught up with their party. The three bikes roared along the long road together until finally it was time to stop for the night. They were all tired and all hungry but in Layla's case, she just wanted to hide herself away.

'What did you do to my little girl?' Jude growled when he saw how wretched Layla looked. She had climbed off the bike, taken the key to her room and locked the door behind her leaving the others to go off without her.

'We had a fight and we both said somethings we regretted.' Tommy huffed and turned away from his father in law.

'Sort it out or I'll sort you out, do you hear me?' Jude snapped taking a worried looking Cherish by the arm and walking her into the diner.

Tommy picked at his food and the others laughed together but watched him carefully. Cherish sat next to Jude and he had his arm thrown casually round her shoulders. She leaned into him occasionally and her face lit up when she looked at him. Tommy found the whole thing nauseating. He pushed himself up from the table and stamped out without saying a word.

The motel was almost next to the diner so he had only a short walk. As he approached he noticed a figure crouched down near at Layla's door. Tommy moved quickly and noticed that the person appeared to be breaking the lock . The blade he was using slipped and clattered to the floor. Suddenly the door opened and Layla's wan face appeared. The person stood swiftly and pushed inside. Tommy broke into a run.

He reached the door in seconds and kicked it in. Layla stood with eyes wide as a greasy haired teenager dressed in black hoodie held the knife out towards her. He spun when the door crashed open and the knife slashed through the air. Layla moved like lightening and kicked high. The man howled and dropped the knife when the spiked heel of Layla's boot pierced his arm.

'Goddamn bitch.' the man cursed and Layla kicked again. This time she caught him in the jaw as he doubled over. Blood poured from his face and the hole in his arm but Tommy grabbed him and yanked him upright.

'You picked the wrong room to rob.' Tommy whispered

The man gulped  at the sight of such a huge man and twisted in Tommy's grip, freeing himself and running out into the dark leaving behind the knife and a tuft of hair.

'You ok darlin'?' Tommy murmured as he came towards her.

'I had it all under control.' Layla said quietly but the fire of her conviction wasn't quite in her eyes.

'I know you did baby, I'm so proud of you but are you ok?' he asked again.

Layla's hands came up to cover her face and her eyes flooded with tears as she shook her head.

Tommy sighed and took her in his arms holding her head against his chest. 'Its ok darlin' its all over now. Nothing so very bad happened did it.' he said as he rubbed small circles on her back.

'I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't mean it.' she gulped through the tears.

'I know you didn't. No one else has hurt you though have they? You'd tell me if they had?'

She nodded rapidly and clutched her little hand over his heart 'Are you still mad at me?' she whimpered looking down at his boots but he gripped he chin and made her look back at his face.

'I never was. Not really. Frustrated for a while and afraid but not angry.

'You aren't afraid of anything.' Layla said with a weak smile.

Tommy give her half a smile back. 'I'm afraid of losing you.I'm afraid you really do see me that way. Not all men are bad you know. Some really do worship their women.' he said cupping her cheek.

'Tommy I.....' She began but his mouth silenced her words as he lowered her to the bed to show her just how much he worshipped her.

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