Simply Amazing Episode 2

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Episode 2: Nathan's POV

Nathan woke up to the sound of his little sister Bailee playing and singing along to One Directions album full blast on her ipod speakers. Nathan rolled out of bed and groaned as he made his way to the bathroom. Five minutes later he made his way downstairs and saw his Chocolate Labrador Barney lying on the ground with his paws over his ears. Nathan smiled crookedly knelt down beside him and patted his back "I know bud i don't like her singing either". He walked over to the kitchen counter and saw a note from his mother "Be back in a few hours gone to check if everything at the restaurant is running smoothly." Nathan's mother had recently opened up a new restaurant right by the Santa Monica Pier.She had already opened up a chain of restaurants in Britian but decided to bring the chain to America. Nathan's phone buzzed on the kitchen counter top it was a text from one of his best friends Max "Hey mate pizza night at yours?x" "Sure mate come round at 7 x"a minute later his phone buzzed again "Sure thing mate c u then x" Nathan had known Max all his life their mothers had met at their sons playgroup and they were now both studying at UCLA even though, Nathan's friends still lived in Britain they had all decided to come and study at UCLA where Nathan also studied.

Ten minutes later Nathan heard his older brother Jay come downstairs "Who the hell thought it was a good idea to give her not alone an ipod but ipod speakers as well "he huffed. Nathan responded "Dad" silence fell over both of them, mentioning what happened between their mum and dad was still a difficult subject in their house. Jay said to end the silence "Well he's not ere to take the brunt of her awful singing" Nathan slightly laughed "true by the way Max, Tom and Seev are coming over tonight for pizza at 7pm" Jay smiled "great".

Two hours later Nathan is walking Barney in the park when he suddenley sees him bound over to someone and knocks them over "Shit" Nathan runs over to the person his dog knocked over and helps her up. "I am so so sorry he never usually does that are you okay", sees who Barney knocked over and realises it's Demi Lovato "Um hi" Nathan said, "Hi um I'm Demi" (Demi looked into Nathans eyes and her heart skipped a beat), "Im Nathan" (thinks: wow she's beautiful) "So um do you live around here" he asked. "Yer i live on Calabassas road what about you ?" she asked "I live on that road too what number ?"the brown haired boy asked shyly. "Number 18 what about you" she blushed as he was staring into her eyes. "Number 13" he smiled. The pair talked for about half an hour before Demi got a call about a meeting she had to attend. "I better go"she smiled before she turned away Nathan touched her arm "Can i get your number ?" he blushed "Sure" they both swapped numbers said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

Authors Note: Please comment on my story would love to know what you think :)

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