Chapter 7: anger

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Master ( p o v)

I walked around the castle looking for Dean, ugh he disgust me for trying to take my pet. I walked down stairs and saw Dean walked around with some scars around his arms and bruises on his face. "Dean" I called out at him in a anger voice. Dean flinch as he heard how angry I am "y-yes my highness" he turn around to face me.

I can see that fear in his eyes I walked closer to him "did you have a talk to my pet?" I question coldly "oh y-y-yeah I was talking to him t-t-that don't mess w-w-with you" He struggle to get the word out. And I knew that he was lying to me. I reach out my hand and backhand him he flew across the room hitting the floor hard. He try's to get up I walked towards to him

He heard my footsteps and he started to shake "did you hurt my doggie?" I question as I looked down at him "n-n-no my h-" I kick him right in the stomach as he started to gasp for air "Don't. Lie. To. Me"I said he looks up and can see that my eyes started to turn dark purple "a-am s-so s-Sorry" he apologize looking away. I reach down and grab his hair making him to look up at me "if you hurt my pet...I will make you suffer till you die" I said in a death tone

He only nobbed I bang his head at the ground "do you understand?" I question "y-yes my highness" I let go of his hair and turn around and realized that every one is looking at us "What Are You Looking At?!" I screamed at them. They all speed walk away scared I walked towards to one of the maids "grab some food and send it towards to my pet" I said walked away "um excuse me my highness but where is" She question following me "in my office" I said not even bother to look back at her

Harlequin (p o v)

"What is she's doing?" I question as I sit one of the chairs. Is she going put me to work more? I sign I hope not "Hey Mutt" I looked at the door to see a maid walked in with a tray of food "so she did promise" I whisper looking at the food "my highness told me to bring your food" The maid walked towards to the desk and gently put it down

"Where is she?" I question looking at the food then look at the maid "I don't know" the maid say as she shrugged. She walked towards to the door and gently close it behind her. I stand up and started to look around it's my change to find away to escape this hell hole. I started to look around I look at the window and try to open it but it's locked shot if I break it it will make so much sounds so I looked some of the drawls but there's nothing in there

"Great now how am I going to escape this place?" I grab some books lifting them trying to find a key or some secret door way or something. But then a box caught my eyes I walked towards to it and looks at it. The title is strange and I couldn't understand what it said but unfortunately didn't have much time look at as the door open reviewing my master

"What the hell are you doing at my desk?" She said in a sharp voice that will killed every living thing that will heard it. "Well um....I just..." I looked around trying to find a lie but nothing came out "were you look a way out?" I was shock to hear that "n-no I wa-"I try to say something but I was got by a knife throw at next at me "were you trying to fucking escape you maggot?" She question once walking towards to me

I slowed walked backwards not wanted to get closer to her "don't get me waiting. Answer my fucking question" that's the last thing she said as she corner me "um no I was just checki-" I didn't have a chance to finish my sentences as she grab me by my throat and lifted me up "how dare you to lie to me" she bang me against the wall "y-yes I was t-t-trying to-" I couldn't talk properly as she started to squeeze my throat "you worthless mutt." That's the last thing I heard as everything turn dark

Master ( P o v )

Damn he pass out I let go if his throat and grab the back of his shirt and started to drag him out of my office "BEN get your ass over here!" I scream as I look at around wondering where is he then he came in "y-yes my highness?" He said looking at the ground scared to meet my eyes "put this mutt to his chamber" I said as I toss him to Ben. Ben coughs him and looks at me confused for awhile then carry him towards to his chambers

I walk towards to my office and close the door. But maybe I close the door to hard as everything starts to shake. I walked towards my desk and I sit down with a sign "excuse me, my highness" one of the guards said opening the door "what do you want?" I said but maybe to coldly because he just stop and I can see the fear in his eyes

"Um.....miss Elizabeth is here to see you" The guard said as soon Elizabeth came in "thank you, you may leave" Elizabeth said sweetly The guard bowed at her and left closing the door behind him "what do you want Elizabeth?" I question sitting up correctly "I want to talk to you" Elizabeth said walked towards to one of the chair in front of my and sit down

"Ok? Talk" "why you like this?" Elizabeth question worried "I don't know what you mean im always like this" I said grabbing some of my paperwork "no you were not you were nice, sweet, kind Then you turn into a Vampire you change" Elizabeth said "well Elizabeth some people have to change except you, you just the same old Elizabeth" I said grabbing a pen and started doing my paperwork

"Diane what happened to you what makes you change?" Elizabeth said reaching in and stop my hand making me not doing my work "Elizabeth nothing happened to me" I said taking her hand of mine "something did happen to you just te-" "ENOUGH ELIZABETH!" I screamed at her as I sit up. I looked down at her and realized I scared her "I' sorry" I said as I sit back down with a sign "I'm sorry Elizabeth I didn't mean to scared you" I said as I reached out and hold her hand "oh don't worry I'm the one who's annoying you" Elizabeth said giving me her sweetest smile

I give her a small smile "you know you should do?" Elizabeth said happy "what?" "You should find love" Elizabeth said "what why?" I question curious "there's no reason just go out and find the perfect person the person that makes your heart move" Elizabeth said dreamy "I.." I looked at the my desk remembering when I was at my room and I was going to give something to my pet and some reason I felt a pound in my chest

"Oh my god you find it alright didn't you?" Elizabeth said excited and shock in the same time "I- no- what?-" I couldn't say anything "OH MY GOD YOU DID!!" "Elizabeth keep your voice down" I whisper to her "how in the heavens I can keep my voice down? You just found love!"Elizabeth shouted I totally forgot that Elizabeth never curses "Elizabeth I didn't found no one and I never will" I said crossing my arms "Diane don't lie to me you know I got the power of someone lying to me" Elizabeth said leading on my desk

God she doesn't curses and knows when someone is lying what is she a angel I thought as I looked away from her "telll meee" Elizabeth begged in a child voice "ugh fine" "yay" Elizabeth cheered "I was gonna give something to my pet" "Harlequin" Elizabeth correct me "um yeah anyway when I was think I felt something in my chest that I can't explain" I said reaching in and press my hand on my chest where is my heart "it never happened before.....and it never will" I said pulling my hand away from my chest and sit up

"What?" Elizabeth looked at me confused "I will never love someone and never will" I said walking out of the office well try as Elizabeth grab my arm "Diane what are you gonna do?" Elizabeth question "I'm gonna give Harlequin to The Night Clan They will know what to do to him" I said as I pulled my arm away from her

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