9: Present

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"I must say, Mr

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"I must say, Mr. Rogers, sir, it's a pleasure to actually meet you", the curator stammered our as he shook Steve's hand. Steve only nodded in response, trying to force a smile. "What can I do for you?"

"It's about the museum." The man's face immediately paled at that. Had he done something wrong? God, he hoped not. He didn't wanna be responsible for upsetting Captain America - no thanks. "There's someone in my life, they were very important to me, and I think... I think they should have an exhibit or something here."

The man immediately sighed in relief, nodding. "I think that can be arranged. It is a museum dedicated to you, after all. Please, tell me more."

And that was something that Steve could easily do, because he could talk about Percy all day and never run out of things to say- not even once.

October 24

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