10: Past

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"Steve, where are we going?", Percy groaned

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"Steve, where are we going?", Percy groaned. This was the tenth time he had asked, and Steve would probably deny him an answer once again.

In the years they had been dating, Percy was sure that Steve had never been this good at keeping secrets.

"Are you taking me out here to kill me?", the young Korean continued, playful smile on his face.

"I would have done that fifteen minutes ago", the blonde laughed.

"Why are we walking?"

"Why are you complaining?"

"Cause physical activity sucks."

"Too bad." Percy groaned but he continued to follow Steve. It felt like it had taken them forever, but that may have been because Percy wasn't as fit as his boyfriend.

Eventually, they ended up in a clearing full of wild flowers and fireflies. Percy was so distracted by the beauty of it all that he completely missed Steve getting down on one knee. "Perc."


"Turn around."

Percy did as instructed, eyes going wide when he finally took in the scene before him. "Steve, what are you-"

"The last few years that I've known you have changed my life completely", Steve began. "I can't imagine life without you now. I had prepared this whole speech and all, but now that this moment is real I- I can't even form the words. What I'm trying to ask is... Percy Kim, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

To say Percy was surprised was an understatement. In fact, he had never expected anything like this at all. Sure, they were serious, but he didn't know they were that serious. Was he ready for this? But, the more Percy thought about it, the more he realized that there was no one he would rather be with.

"Yes!", he exclaimed after a moment. "God, yes!"

October 24

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