I.New beginnings

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THE MOON was bright and beautiful in the dark cloudy sky. I could stare at it for hours and hours. I probably had since I had been stuck in the car since early in the morning. To make matters worse, my battery had died now I was bored and had nothing else to do.

"We're here."My dad said and not too soon because I was this close to jumping out of the moving vehicle. More than sixteen hours on the road can make someone suicidal.

"Finally!"I exclaimed in celebration throwing my hands up in the air and accidentally hitting the car roof.

It was nearly midnight we had just arrived at our new house. I was a bit surprised that we were there considering how far Carlifornia is from New York.

Since I was seven we hadn't lived anywhere for more than a year, rarely more than six months.

I grabbed my bag and got out of the car to take a look at our new house. Pushing open the small metal gate, I went into the compound.

The yard had one sad lemon tree with a few lemons on it, surrounded by fresh looking green grass.

The house was larger than our last. Our last residence was actually an apartment in New York. As soon as I started to like it dad told me we were moving again.

Dad always blamed our moving a lot on his work, he was a research scientist at a large company that had branches all over the world.

The lights on the front porch were on. Walking over to the porch, I found a set of keys on the porch and a note.

The neighbourhood was probably so safe that you could leave your door wide open, leave for a week and find that someone only got in to water your potted plants. At least that's what I'd heard about this part of Carlifornia.

I picked up the small note and read it.

Hey Danny.Sorry I had to leave. I hope you like your new home. It's all yours. If you have a problem with the house or just want to talk call me on 555-719-8261.


Using the keys that Vanessa had left on the porch I opened the door to the house.

It was cosy and warm. You'd look at it and imagine a nice neat family with a present mother, father and children. Not at all like my family which was just me and my dad. My mom left us when I was ten years. I never found out why.

On opening the door, the first thing you'd would be a flight of stairs with a light blue carpet and a corridor next to the stairs.

Then I remembered something, it's all yours.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

" You like it?" My dad asked behind me.

" Yeah. Did you buy it?" I asked turning to him.

"Yes and before you say anything, we are not moving anymore. We're here to stay. I promise. You're a senior now and moving wastes too much time, time I could spend with my daughter."

He gave me a hug. I was left speechless, not knowing whether to believe him or not. What reassured me was that he had never lied to me or hidden the truth from me.

"By the way, there was a note at the front porch," I informed him. I went and grabbed the note from Vanessa and gave it to him. "Who's Vanessa?"

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