(Cody Bellinger) Pizza Made You Cry?

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For Sam!

This is my first non-Christian Yelich fanfic on this site, so I hope it's okay!

Also, while reading about Cody Bellinger, I learned Kike Hernández is a goddamn treasure. Someone make a request. Hurry.


Sam stared at her computer screen. The same screen she had been focused on for three straight hours. In those three hours, she had managed to write one full paragraph of her literature term paper. Uninspired and frustrated, she slammed her laptop shut and dramatically jumped from her desk chair to her tiny dorm bed.

The end of semester was destroying her will to live. Or something close to that. She couldn't wait to be done with everything and rejoin the world of the living. She only had to make it three more days. Three days. Seventy-two hours. Four thousand three hundred twenty minutes. Then she'd be free.

She was in the process of trying to calm herself down with deep breaths when she heard her phone vibrate loudly against the wood of her desk. She groaned as she rolled out of bed and grabbed it. Her boyfriend of two years, Cody, was trying to face time her.

She knew she should return to work, but he was a difficult person to ignore. Accepting his request, she felt an instant sense of relief when she saw him smiling at her. "Hey, babe," he greeted. "How's writing going?"

Sam shook her head and brought a hand to her temple. "Awful. I have three research papers to write in three days, and I basically just want to die."

"Don't do that. It would be a sad time for me," Cody teased. "Do you actually need to be in the dorms to finish these papers, or can you come home to me and work on them?" Cody didn't live too far from her dorm at the University of Arizona, at least during his offseason, but it'd still be a forty-five minute drive each way. An hour and a half of precious study time would be lost driving to and from his place.

"I can't waste time getting there. I'm sorry." She really was sorry. All she wanted to do was be done with finals and return to him and her family.

"I'm going to order you a car. Then you won't have to drive," Cody declared confidently. He knew her well enough to know she wouldn't put up too much of a fight.

She sighed theatrically. "Okay, I guess, but give me at least fifteen minutes to get all my stuff together."

"Yes!" Cody exclaimed. "I promise I'll make it worth your while. See you in about an hour or so."

She smiled at him before giving him a temporary goodbye. Even in times of deep distress, he could bring some calm to the storm.


When she arrived at his house, he had the lights on for her. She got out of the car and lightly knocked on the door.

Cody was laughing when he opened it. "Are you seriously knocking?" he asked her, a bit of a twinkle in his eyes. "Come in."

As soon as she stepped through the door, he pulled her in for a brief, sweet kiss. "Let's throw your stuff in my room before I show you your surprise."

"My surprise?" she asked. "Just being here is enough for me."

"I want to help you relax, so you can focus and knock your papers out and come home to me. I miss you. It was a long season, and then to not see you every day of the offseason? The. Worst." He pulled her in for another gentle kiss.

When they parted, Cody took her hand and led the way to his room. She put her overnight bag on the bed and turned around to look at him. "I wouldn't mind just going to sleep. I miss sleep. I especially miss sleep with you."

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