Chapter 5

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Short chapter. Next one will be longer. Enjoy :D

Valeriana on the side - > Hope that's a better picture of how I see her with her blue eyes :)

Chapter 5

Andrew's POV

My eyes snapped opened on their own accord, my body feeling the presence of someone else in the room along with me. I was still were I fell asleep, in the living room. It was dark, telling me it must still be late at night.

Looking around I noticed a pair of glowing blue eyes staring at me from the corner of the room. I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes and saw that it was Meredith's cat, laying on the ground in the corner of the room staring at me.

I sighed, laying my head back down, even a small presence such as another animal was enough to wake me up. Being an Alpha my senses are always on high alert; sometimes it's a good thing, other times....

It was the fifth time my eyes snapped open while I was asleep. Meredith's cat had a strangely strong presence to her that kept me waking up during the night. I swear her cat would be the death of me.

I was relieved when I saw that it was Nora standing at the foot of the bed instead of the cat. The sun was just starting to rise and the house was still quiet telling me everyone was still asleep. Nora sleeps late and wakes up early. I always insist she can sleep in or sleep early but of course, she kindly declines.

"Forgive me for waking you sir, I was just wondering if you would like me to arrange a room for Meredith on the top floor?" Nora asked.

My immediate reaction was to answer yes but I stopped myself. Would she be uncomfortable? Would she hate me if I made her a room without her permission?

Hesitantly I said, "Whatever makes her most comfortable."

Nora bowed her head, "Yes sir." and walked off to a the guest rooms wing.

I sighed rubbing my temples. A light 'meow' brought me out of my thoughts. Turning my head to the side I saw the little black furred devil slowly coming closer to me. It was almost like she was scared of me.

I sat up from the couch slowly, stretching my muscles as I moved. Her cat hesitated when I stretched but once I put my hands down she came towards me again. Once near the couch she jumped on and laid down near me but not close enough to touch.

I was curious as to why she seems so scared of me but I wasn't about to ask a cat this question. I'd be a fool to talk to an animal.

Very slowly I lifted my hand up, wanting to pet the cat. I was going slow enough that if she wanted to run away she would. When she didn't move, I rested my hand on her body. I rubbed her back and earned a 'purr' response. I felt my lips twitch upwards on their own accord. Meredith didn't seem like someone who brings things along with her during her travels but if she brings this cat then she must be special. I was slightly hoping I'd earn some points in getting her cat to like me.

"My, this is a sight to see." Her voice cut me out of my thoughts.

I immediately snapped my eyes up to where Meredith was standing by the doorway arms crossed. She was freshly cleaned, even her small cuts were healed. Her hair was down in slight waves and she had a bit of make-up on her face. She was wearing knee length black boots in black skinny jeans with a white tank top.

My lips stretched into a big smile. Even if I wasn't laying down and sleeping with her, I was still glad to be able to see her once I wake up.

"What's a sight to see?" I asked, with a huge smile on my face.

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