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The sun peaked through the thick silver curtains that hung off the rod opposite of the bed

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The sun peaked through the thick silver curtains that hung off the rod opposite of the bed. Catalina's eyes fluttered open as she rolled onto her back. She looked over at EZ, who seemed to still be asleep. She could not believe the events that had taken place over the course of last night. It was truly and honestly everything that she had hoped for. Of course the two had slept together before, but almost a decade ago. Her hands ran across his bare back before she leaned over, resting her chin on his arm.

EZ stirred awake, turning his head to look at the girl. "Hey" He smiled. "Good morning" she smiled back. Catalina moved off of him so that he could turn towards her. She pulled at the sheets to cover her top half as the two faced each other. "You look beautiful" EZ said. Her curls were scattered down, framing her face. "Thank you" She blushed, "Last night was..." "Amazing" He finished. "Agreed. So what does this make us? I mean, we have a kid together. we live together. We just did...that" Catalina said, laying her head on his chest.

"We're....together, seeing each other. If you want, of course?" EZ says. "Yeah, I like that. Much better than 'dating'. I hate that word. We should probably get up. Elena will be up soon" She said. EZ made a noise in response and kissed the top of her head. Catalina nodded and the two swung their legs over their respective sides of the bed. She slid on her underwear and grabbed EZ's large t-shirt off the ground before sliding it on. "I'm gonna get in the shower" He said, putting on his boxers and pants. "And I'm going to make breakfast" Catalina responds. "I should probably move my stuff in here, right" He said, but it came out as more of a question.

"Yes" Lina beamed. Ezekiel returned the smile before playfully jumping across the bed at her. As he picked her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist. She plopped a kiss on his lips before sliding down off him. The two parted ways in the hallway, Catalina heading to the kitchen and EZ to the shower. She pulled the mix down from the cabinet and grabbed a bowl. While she turned the pan on and began to prepare the mix, she heard a door creak open and little feet pad across the floor. Elena's head peeked around the corner before she entered the room, dressed in her Minnie Mouse night gown that Catalina had changed her into later during the night.

"Buenos días, mi amor" Catalina said, pouring some mix in the pan before putting the bowl down. She leaned down, grabbing her daughter's head to kiss her on the cheeks. "Buenos días. Where's daddy and why are you wearing his shirt?" Elena asked. "He's in the shower and I'm borrowed his shirt because it's comfortable" She said, flipping the pancakes. After the other side was cooked, Catalina placed them on a large plate in the middle of the table. Elena reaches for one before her mother shot her a look that told her to wait for her father.

Within minutes, Ezekiel was out of the shower and dressed in his usual jeans, sleeveless t-shirt, and boots. Catalina was leaning against the counter drinking her coffee. "Good morning, munchkin" EZ said, kissing the top of Elena's head before sitting next to her. "Good morning, daddy!" Elena responded, "Can we eat now?" "Yes mija, we can eat" Catalina said, sitting opposite of Ezekiel and next to her daughter. She put pancakes on plates before passing them around around the table. "Daddy, can you cut my food?" Elena asked causing her to side-eye the child because she knew damn well that she could cut her own food.

photograph ⇎ EZ ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now