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I remember being out there for so long alone. No one to talk to except the walkers.

I'm 8 years old I have always been alone. My parents they hurt me and my dad he did not so good things to me.

I walked home from school and walked into my house which was a very nice house but I didn't live in it. I lived in the garage on a mattress topper and fell asleep to the smell of gasoline just in case the car went out of gas.

I walked into my house to see my mom and dad fighting. "You bitch!" My dad screamed "ya well I'll greet you in hell when I get there." My mom said back.

My dad throws the glass against the wall and it shatters some of the glass shatters hitting my arm and I feel the sharp pain in my arm I look to see blood rushing down.

Was he gonna rape me again for the 100th time was I gonna get even more bruises then I have now. He did rape me again my mom sat there and laughed as he did and I cried.

Right after he raped me a special message came on the screen.

Attention virus outbreak stay indoors.

I didn't know what it meant a virus outbreak. I looked outside to see a man running for his life before another man tackled him and started biting into his neck.

I screamed and my dad smacked me to shut up. My parents died both did together and I tried to stop but why did I try to stop it they deserved to die. I was all alone for a long time I killed walkers with a set of throwing knives that I kept on me all the time. Then one day a man found me and brought me to this place called Alexandria.

I look down the hall to see dad walking toward me. "Hey honey your a big strong girl right?" My dad said. "Ya of course daddy." I said back to him. "I need you to help me with something ok?" He said once again.

When I came here a man named Aaron and his boyfriend Eric took me under their wing. I started calling them dad because I never had a dad well I did but he didn't care about me.

"What do you need me to do daddy?" I asked him. "I'm looking for a brown bag it will have pictures inside it if Alexandria." He said.

"I'll go look over by the gardens and the flowers." I said to him. "You better not just sit and look at the flowers instead of looking for the bag ok sweetie." He said. "Yes daddy" I said back to him.

"You promise?" Daddy said. "Yes I promise." I said back to him. "Meet me back here in a half hour ok" daddy said to me. "I will don't worry daddy." I said back.

I ran to the gardens and looked around for this brown bag. I continually look and then I hear screaming I look up and I see a man slice a women's throat.

My stomach drops and I run back to the meeting place for daddy. Then a man steps in my way as I run. I come to a stop.

He had a large axe. "Hi little girl how are you." The creepy dirty man said. There was a large W at the top of his head.

"Leave me alone!" I said pulling out one of my throwing knives. "Oh honey why would I do that." The man said sprinting at me I throw one of my knives and barely miss him. Then I hear a gunshot and the man falls to the floor dead.

I look over to see Rosita with the gun pointed up and daddy right by her. "May I'm so sorry I left you!" Dad says running up picking me up hugging me.

"It's ok daddy." I said to him hugging him hard putting my head into his chest crying. "Are you Alright kid?" Rosita says. "Thank you!" I said to her and hugged her.

"Just doing what I need to." She said back. "Let's get you to safety." Daddy says and runs with me in his arms to the infirmary. We walk in and I see Eric. I call Eric by his name cause he said that's what he wants to be called by so I just do.

"Eric!" I said running and hugging him. "Are you ok are you hurt what happened?" Eric Asks me. "I was helping daddy look for his brown bag and I looked up and saw a women get killed so I ran to try and find daddy but then a man attacked me and then Rosita killed him.

"I'll talk to with daddy after this ok?" Eric said. "Alright" I said back to him.

I waited as more and more gun shots could be heard. I wanted to run out and help daddy but I couldn't.

I waited and then finally daddy came back. He had tears in his eyes. "What's wrong daddy?" I asked him. "Oh nothing bunny" he said back and he hugged me and Eric.

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