
1.9K 32 10

She's like 10 now
It turns out that we have to give Negan half of our stuff!

I really don't like that.

I lay in the hospital bed they wanted me to stay here just Incase any of my wounds from them hitting me became infected.

It's been boring but thankfully I finally get to go outside today. I've cried a lot over Glen and Abraham it's just so sad to know that they are gone.

Every few ministers someone checks on me it's usually daddy or Eric.

Daddy walked through the door and smiled at me. "Hey how you feeling bunny?" He asked.

"I feel good." I said smiling at him.

Eric was upset that I left but he didn't care once he saw the state I was in.

"You want me to sit with you?" Daddy asked. "Sure" I said back.

He sat right next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder. "When I was little and I was sick my mom would always give me this little squishy ball and said that it would make me feel better so here you go." Daddy said handing me a red ball.

I squished the ball with my obviously not broken arm. "Thank you daddy." I said to him.

"You can get out today and finally feel the nice sun on your skin." Daddy said as he got up helping me up.

"Ya I'm so excited just one second." I said as I grabbed a throwing knife and tucked it into my belt.

"Honey nothing will hurt you I promise." Daddy said.

"Just in case." I said.

I walked outside and breathed in the fresh air. Thank God my legs weren't broken.

I walked with daddy as we looked around at all of the houses. "People are really nervous." I said as I saw people rushing around.

"Ya I don't really know why I'm gonna go check upfront you stay here." He said.

He ran to the front and out of my view. I walked along the gardens staring in looking at the pretty flowers.

"Hey little girl!" a man screamed.

I looked over at the man and tightly grabbed my knife.

"Gimme that knife now." He said.

"and why would I do that?" I said back to him sassily.

"Cause I'm Negan." He said.

"Give him the knife." A semi blonde haired girl walked up standing beside him.

"Wait your the girl he got the nose and arm broken right?" The blonde girl said.

"Ya so" I said back.

"What's your name?" The blonde said.

"May what's yours." I said back.

"Arat" She said.

"Ya you do kinda look like a rat." I said to her.

I could see her stare get angry.

"You bitch" Arat said pointing a gun at me.

"Give her the knife May!" Daddy screamed from behind them.

"Fine" I said and walked over and gave them the knife. Arat and the man walked away with my knife.

Daddy ran over to me. "What were you thinking?" He screamed at me.

"They can't just do that!" I screamed back.

"Yes they can!" Daddy said back to me.

"That's fucked up!" I said. "Watch your mouth!" Daddy said back his anger was scary.

"I'm done" I said and walked away with tears falling one by one.

I then bump into someone and look up and I'm met with the face of Negan.

"Hey what's wrong with the little shit?" He asked Rick. "I don't know I think she just got in a fight with her dad."

"Awww poor baby." Negan said.

"Leave me alone." I said and walked back to our house. The saviors were taking it apart taking out my bed my books.

I couldn't even look I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction.

"Hey May whats wrong." I heard a voice ask.

I look up to see Carl.

"Daddy's being really mean cause I told stupid dumbass Arat that she looked like a rat and I didn't want to give her my knife and then I bumped into Negan and he's a jerk." I said as I sobbed.

"It's ok." Carl said as he hugged me. "I am so stressed with this whole situation and I'm scared they are  gonna hurt me again" I said more as I cried.

"Shhh don't worry about that now we all will keep you protected your dad was just looking out for you don't worry." Carl said making me feel a little better.

I hugged him for a little bit longer and then pulled apart. "Thank you Carl." I said to him.

"Just getting in practice for when Judith becomes your age." He said back.

I laugh "you'll be good at it don't worry." I said.

I walked away and finally the saviors left.

I walked into my house and went upstairs to find all of my furniture gone.

I grab blankets from the closet and lay it out and lay down. I was exhausted.

I fell asleep to my arm still a little soar and my nose throbbing.

My cheeks were still stung with tears.

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. It's crazy this book is already at almost 200 reads thank you so much! Tell me your thoughts on it what do you want to happen? Do you like the Aaron and May relationship? Should May die at the end of the book which is far away? How did you like the Carl and her bond? Should I include more of Maggie and her?

Love you guys thank you ♥️

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