Chapter 4

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I woke up at about 6am and went to make my mother breakfast. I made her poached eggs, bacon and toast every morning. I wasn't allowed to have breakfast as it was apparently "a waste of time to feed breakfast to growing children". I ate at school, they had a breakfast club, however my mum didn't know. If I had friends I might tell them about this stuff, but I don't so I've learnt how to cope.

By 7 her breakfast is ready now to you that may seem like a long time but is you saw how I had to present it, better than frigging Masterchef, then you would understand. I wake my mum up with a gentle rub and a "breakfast's ready". "Uh...let me have it in bed," my mum moans. "Sure Mum," I reply handing her the plate in my hand. This happens so often I have learnt its quicker to just bring the plate down with me. I leave the plate on her bedside table and rush off to school.

When I get there I kind of wish I hadn't. Hanging around the gates of the school was, yep you guessed it, Lola.

I walk passed her my mind screaming at me to run home, but I don't. I push the thought of how much bigger and stronger than me she is and what she could do to me to the back of my mind. Lola was laughing, chatting when I walked passed but then she stopped, it felt as if the world was holding its breath. The world was silent except for the soft clicking of my shoes against the concrete. I wish the teacher was here but they are nowhere to be found. Everybody turns to look at me. Click...clickclick. Clickclickclick. I run passed the canteen past the toilets. I run to the schools vegi garden. Passion fruit vines climb up a high chicken wire fence, it leaves shifting to reveal the yellow fruit. Herbs sit in tractor types placed on the ground. The chickens enclosed in a large area look longingly at the herbs and scratch at the ground or peck at seeds. Inside the vegi patch there is a bench, tucked away in the furthest corner although peaceful technically I am not allowed in here but...oh well. I sit down on the bench the hard rustic digging into my thighs. I turn and see a figure in the corner. My eyes turn wide, who knows of my place! The figure turned around and jumped she obviously hadn't seen me. "Robyn?" she asks cautiously.

Sorry bad chapter. Short I know. Had writers block.

LSP out :p

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