Chapter 12

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(Meanwhile what Natemare is doing while you're befriending rocket)

I looked after y/n as she was going to her room. I'm going to love finally having her for myself. I let out a sigh as she was fully out of my view and snapped my fingers, teleporting closer to the throne room. I stopped in front of the doors and put on my crown. Man, did it feel good to making the world my puppets.

After being fully ready I went into a side entrance that's used for royals. I walked over to my throne and plopped down on the luxurious seat. Without my little doll, I'm bored.

I payed my legs across one of the arm rests as I put my head in my hand. I perked up once I saw the large doors open. But I was immediately disappointed when I saw it was some official person. This better be good.

He walked up towards me and deeply bowed. "Your highness, we have noticed the girl whom you have deemed shall be queen." "Yes, continue."

"Well we've noticed that she doesn't seem to quite like you much." I rolled my eyes and rolled my hand to exaggerate a point. "Of course she wouldn't act as if she likes me, official. Why would she act that way when she loves me."

The man in front of me started sweating a bit and stuttering over his words. "Well, your name official?" "Oh, u-ummmm it's Michael your majesty."

"Well Michael, please get to the point of your visit." "Ummmmuuummm"

I was started to get frustrated with this man. "Well!? Spit it out!" "Well your majesty, we don't think she loves you."

I felt my chest go up and down as insane laughter escaped my lips. "Your majesty..?" "Her, not loving me? Well you see, I'm a king. She has no choice in the matter. Besides, she'll love me, wether or not if she likes it."

Michael composed his shaking self as he said, "Well you deserve only the best, your majesty." I let out a daunting hum. "We were worried that y/n would not satisfy you." I felt my eyes turn black, "And how would she do that?"

The man was shaking once again. "Well, you may grow tired of her perhaps, or she could die." In my head I was laughing so much at this man. Such fine entertainment. "So we brought the 15 most beautiful women in the world, who would be more than happy to please you.

I raised my eyebrows at this. Consorts? How dare this man!? Michael snapped his fingers and 15 ladies stepped in. I suppose they were attractive, but none of them were like my Porcelain Doll. I scrutinized each and every woman there in that room, picking out their flaws.

"Just about all you have plastic surgery done. And you.." I pointed my finger at one woman who had a tan but one finger had a sliver of white around it. "Are married. But please, entertain me with what you could offer."

I was steaming on the inside, but I did love to play with my prey, and plus I was bored.

One of the ladies stepped up. "Well, Natey-kins~ that little y/n is probably so drab compared to me. Besides, I'm much better in the bed than she is." I was let out a small growl. "Never. Call. Me. That. Again."

I was tired of these ladies so I did the natural thing. "Guards, kill all Michael and these ladies. For they have committed many crimes in just a couple of minutes and have insulted me, and my bride nonetheless."

The bored look on my face contorted into a devilish smirk as I watched guards slice all of the women's heads off. I loved the way their bodies went limp and how each of their heads landed on the floor.

Immediately maids went to clean up the mess and there was just some blood left on the floor when I heard an all to familiar voice gasp. I turned my head to see my little marionette with a blade against her throat that was being held by one of the guards.

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