First day of School

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Hey guys so this is my first chapter of this story please tell me your opinions in the comments, thanks for checking out the story!

One morning, Kaylen haven't slept all night from worries she got about going to the new school. She was nervous and so excited. She wore her uniform and grabbed her backpack and she was ready to go to school. Her parents took pictures of her even though she wasn't smiling in them. Her father drove her to school. When they arrived she was terrified to get out of the car but anyways everyone saw her so she was forced to go down. She entered the building and went to the reception to see which class she's in. She found out she was in year 8G. She went to her class stood outside until the bell rings. While she was waiting for the bell to ring some random people from year 8 showed up to her and asked her the normal questions like "What's your name?, Which school did you go to?" She was afraid and nervous to speak to them but she answered them. When the bell rang she went in, the teacher introduced her to the class and everyone was acting normal. be continued

-I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short it's just because it's my first one but I'll be working hard on this story to make it longer

-I'm probably going to post one chapter each week

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