To The Bridge~

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"Taehyung," Yoongi says as he shifts further away from the grey-head, "I still love Jimin." The brunette immediately looks away, feeling his heart breaking into a million pieces. Never did he ever admit to loving someone but in front of Taehyung, he felt like he could let out his darkest secrets and the taller male would still understand. Since childhood, Yoongi never socialized. Be it his family or friends, he just hated people in general but he was really kind as people would mistake him to be cold and brutal and Jimin knew it very well.
"A distraction wouldn't hurt," Taehyung says, shocking the elder, "Plus, I don't think he'd accept Jungkook any soon, knowing what he's done."
"You've known him quite well in these past few days, haven't you?"
"I'm just observant and I've also noticed the glimmer in his eyes when we talk about you. He cares about you way too much to let you go, Yoongi-ah."
"I hate hoping-"
"I said try. Do not assume things, Yoongi. It's better to face rejection than hurt thinking that he'd never know how much you love him. Even if we take the worse case scenario - he'll probably tell you to move on - what else could go wrong? He wouldn't just turn his back on you. Don't be afraid."
"But why are you supporting me? Don't you want him too?" The room falls silent as the brunette's question lingers in the tensed air.
"Hey," Yoongi places a hand on Taehyung shoulder after they both sit upright, "Want to talk about it? We could go for a walk?"
"That'd be great."

Changing their attires, they step outside the dorms and stroll to the bridge while Taehyung lets his feelings out, "He's mesmerizing." He laughs, "Knowing he'd have so many other people dying to even be around him, I feel lucky. Lucky that he enjoys my company."
"He's quite grateful to have you around him, yes."
"He isn't as social as I thought he'd be."
"Other than me, I don't think he had any friends until you bumped into him."
"So he told you?"
"Yes, he can't keep secrets." They both smile and find a comfortable spot on the bridge under the stars and the dark night, the street lights shining a few blocks away from them. Silence takes over before the younger decides to break it. "So how long have you known each other?"
"Over 6 months now."
"There's homecoming soon."
"Ask him out, stupid."
"What about you?"
"Me and my punch, it's always been us."
"Well, he'd always be busy with some of the arrangements. He never actually had time for me but when we got together, it was the most beautiful time of my life."
"Mind sharing?"
"Of course not. He asked me out 3 years ago when the school hosted a football fest."
"That must be brave of him."
"Yes, yes. Knowing our country isn't really supportive of same-sex relationships, it was pretty brave. It was one of the things that made me go head over heels for him."
 "He even fought the principle to let me in the gun shooting contest. Everybody knows that I'd win since my father is the head of the Mafia."
"So you could literally kill anyone and get away with it?" Yoongi unknowingly pouts and turns his body towards the other male seated beside him.
"Yup, but Jungkook was completely against it. He'd never let me touch my gun, he's a kind soul. Innocent rather."
"That's a shock."
"Oh, is it? I've always seen him as a man who's way too innocent for this world. He might know how it works but well, he's a real jerk while making decisions. It makes me think about the time we decided to give up our virgin asses and he'd shit his pants. That little soul was so scared."
"I thought he was a guy who'd bring a girl home every night."
"Him? He can't even argue with a woman for long."
"That's interesting."
"But there were times we had to go through a lot. Our families, especially, didn't accept us for who we are and when they finally did, I realized we were distancing. It wasn't like how it was before."
"And why is that?"
"I think he was tired. Tired of everything. For the last few months, the only time we'd talk was the bedtime when he'd come to greet me Good Night. Felt like it wasn't him anymore. It felt like he was afraid of something that didn't exist."
This was a lot of information for the elder to take in, "It must've been so..." He pauses, "So hard."
"It was. But then Jimin showed up out of nowhere. That time I certainly knew Jungkook was distancing from me and well I couldn't do anything about it but just cry in my room for hours. The relationship we had built in 3 years just went crashing down and it made me hate Jimin."
"I can't imagine going through that."
"I'd hate to see anyone going through that."
"I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry about it. I'll get over it."
"Is there something I could do to help?"
"You being here is enough. It feels like the only thing I had to do to make me feel better was the talk it out."
"I'm glad you feel better. I don't want you to go through more. It will hurt me more than it'd hurt you."
Taehyung was taken aback when he heard those words come out of Yoongi's mouth.
"Love hurts. And I know it. Crying for hours inside your room, feeling like this was the end of the world, it's all just so traumatizing. Promise me, if there's anything you want to share, no matter what it is, you're calling me."
"I will."
"If you don't mind..."
"Don't make me anxious."
"Fuck it, I don't need permission." The brunette pulls Taehyung into a kiss, a soft and affectionate one, making him feel like the most precious person on earth. His emotions were flooding in his chest as he pulled him closer and even though he knew it was wrong, his instincts lead him to it.

Maybe he finally realized who deserved his love more than anyone else.

And yet his heart belonged to the person that would never love him back.

[21+ Vminkook FF] Sophomore (Season Two) - Romance AuWhere stories live. Discover now