Good Bye

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"It was great dating you, Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung lets out a chuckle as he places all of his clothes in his suitcase, "And take care of Jimin, okay?"
"Yah! I can take care of myself!" He blushes and instantly looks down while fiddling with the bed sheets. Jungkook puts his forehead against Jimin's and smiles, "Don't worry, Taehyung. By the way, Jasmine told me that she'll pick you up from the bus stand." The red-head nods as a response and zips up his suitcase. The couple was extremely sad about the fact that Taehyung had decided to leave but they knew it was for his best interests. The red-head had promised them that he'd call them every day and visit once in a while and with that thought, they lock the apartment and head out.


Yoongi sat in the empty hallway with his hands clasped and feet tapping the floor constantly. His heart was signaling towards something he couldn't quite make out and it kept him awake for the past 4 nights. Suddenly, a ringtone is heard and he answers the phone after looking at the caller ID, "Hey, Namjoon." He says.
"Yoongi, Taehyung's leaving." His heart drops and he feels sick to the stomach when he hears Namjoon's shivering voice, "I see him leave his dorm with his suitcases. Yoongi, go!" He throws the phone on the couch and rushes outside the door. He runs out not caring about anyone. Bumping into numerous people as his tears blur his vision, he comes to a stop when he sees Jungkook and Jimin returning, "Where the fuck is that red-head bastard?" He pants, his face red and drenched with tears.
"We just left him at the bus stop, Yoongi." 
"His bus arrives in 10 minutes." Not another word and the brunette exits the campus and makes his way to the bus station. He keeps running even though his feet can't carry him anymore. The only thought in his head was reaching Taehyung before the bus does. There were 3 minutes left when he arrives at the desired destination and he sees no one. It was empty. He falls on his knees and bursts into a fit of sobs when he hears a bus arriving. He looks up one last time and he spots him. He spotted the love of his life.

"Taehyung!" He yells and runs as fast as he can. The red-head was engulfed in utter shock on this sight. It broke his heart seeing Yoongi cry.
"Yoongi?! What are-"
"Fuck you, asshole. Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Do you even deserve to know?"
"Taehyung, please."
"Please what?"
"Listen to me."
"My bus-"
"I'm gonna leave Hoseok forever if you give me one last chance. I won't talk to anyone except you. I'll give you everything you want. All my songs will be for you. Let me take care of you. Please, Taehyung. Stay." Yoongi presses his lips against the other as they both hear the bus leave. The younger's eyes go wide with surprise as his chest fills with butterflies. They pull apart and cry in each other's embrace, "I love you, Taehyung." The elder says while wiping the other's tears.
"I love you too, Yoongi."


"Dr. Jin, do you know the reason why you're sitting in my office right now?" The Director looks at the person in front of him whose eyes are fixed on the ground.
"Is-is it the pictures?"
"You've made the right guess."
"I'm sorry, Sir. I-"
"I'll have to fire you, Dr. Kim Seokjin."
"You can't do that! Please, Sir!"
"There's one way out of this. If you're willing to listen-"
"I'll do anything, Sir." The Director gets up from his seat and walks behind Seokjin before placing his palms on the nervous man's shoulders. 
"Anything?" He gives a slight press to his shoulders as Jin nods in response, "Let me take care of you, Seokjin. You know I'm way better than Namjoon. He's a student. He can't provide you with what I can. It's a win-win." 
"Sir!" The professor jerks up from his seat, "W-what are you saying?"
"I want you." The Director pulls Jin into a hand lock, "Come on. Is your job more important or Namjoon?" He then proceeds to pin the brunette to the wall while placing soft kisses on his neck, "I've worked so hard to catch you doing 'stuff' with that one hell of a bitch. I deserve a reward, don't I?"
"How can you be so cheap, Hyun-sik?! Let me go" He struggles to get out of his grip as anxiety crawls up his body and he freezes in his place. Tears accumulate in his eyes when the door of the cabin opens wide and the blonde enters, his features drowning in shock and pain. He runs and pulls the Director away from Jin as the security follows. They handcuff the man and take him out of the venue and Namjoon proceeds to hug the elder, "Did he do something to you? Did he hurt you? Are you fine?" 
"I-I'm fine. But how did you-"
"I heard some bastards talking outside the lunch hall saying, 'The Director went all the way in to get Dr. Jin. I mean 60,000 won for each of us? I wonder what they'll be doing in his cabin. Probably fucking already' I ended up beating the shit out of them." Jin smiles through his tears upon hearing the younger say that.
"I can't stand anyone touching you, Jin."
"Just say you love me, stupid."
"You know it already."
"Bastard." With the last chuckle, they leave the cabin and make way to their respective classes.


Everyone ended up with the ones they truly love and they continued living happily ever after. Oh wait, before you ask me about Hoseok, he was hurt when Yoongi left him but he was also mature enough to let the elder do whatever he wants, after all, he knew he couldn't give Yoongi all the time and affection while working towards his goals. This was truly the end of bad times and also the end of the story~

The End

[21+ Vminkook FF] Sophomore (Season Two) - Romance AuWhere stories live. Discover now