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(So ladies and gents, this is my first story I have ever put any real effort into. It follows the anime because while I do read the manga I'd like to have time in between to plan ahead to make the changes more believable for the story. You can thank MasakoX for that, being inspired by his what ifs to make this as close to the original story as possible. Here's his channel :

As for the story, this backstory is not going to be too in depth, just explain the important stuff and how you got to where you are.

your name: (F/N)

last name: (L/N)

eye color: (E/C)

hair color: (H/C)

Please enjoy)

To understand your beginning, let's start with your parents and how they met: 

Amanda Shimano, a Japanese/American woman with your eyes and hair, a 10,000 IQ intellect,  and an unusual quirk for her line of work: Siren's Call, which is essentially Present Mic's quirk but it only works while she's singing and has a psychological factor (mind control, amping up allies, panic attacks, even single target hallucinations) depending on what song she sings. Her father is the United Nations Secretary General, and has been so for 15 years thanks to his leveled headed mindset and underterable resolve to ensure all are equally cared for, so she was rich from the get go and had everything she could ever want in her life, except her mother, who died in childbirth. Meeting your father was the beginning of a long road of happiness and joy.

Stukov (L/N), a Russian/Italian man from Moscow who traveled to Japan for a wider view of the world. his unbelievable intellect is only matched by your mother's and he is a gentle giant at 7 1/2 ft tall. His quirk is Chemical Analysis, allowing him to instantly know the chemical makeup of anything he looks at, both living or not. He grew up poor and in a foster home but turned his life around by landing a job as a nuclear power plant manager/owner and takes his job very seriously. When he sold the plant to a larger company in favor of going back to college for a safer line of work, he moved to Japan and learned about quirk studies, meeting your mother at that very school.

Amanda met Stukov at college in Japan while she was practicing for a play and they got married after 9 months of dating, graduating at then top of the school together. When your Grandpa, Akihito Shimano, met Stukov, they were a bit cold to each other at first but they got over it quickly. They both work for the U.N. as quirk experimentation specialists, people tasked with finding uses for all quirks to make society better by finding cleaner energy, solving world hunger, and putting an end to other world problems. The only thing the two of them love more than making a breakthrough is the trillions of dollars they make in a day, and the only thing they love more than that is each other, thus they love to buy expensive gifts for one another and spoil each other with the best that luxury has to offer.

When Amanda became pregnant with you, that perspective took a drastic turn. They now spend more conservatively and live more modest lives, as muchas trillionaires can anyway, to try and raise you to be a good, honest person. You are their shining star and what they strive for to make you happy, teaching you themselves at age 3 on the physics, chemistry, and natural laws of the world and the people who live in it. You are a genius by age 5, which is when your quirk manifests. Given how low on the scale your parents quirks are you should have been quirkless, but instead you received an extreme mutation. Best guess your parents have is that their exposure to so many quirks, energy frequencies/waves, and other miscellaneous chemicals had mutated their reproductive cells to create your quirk.

Your quirk? The first of its kind: Cosmic Puppeteer

It allows you total control of the energy around you, whether it be atomic, solar, nuclear, kinetic, hydro, essentially anything, including atoms and electrons. This is essentially a stronger version of Overhaul, but you do not need to be touching the object in question to make it work, it just must be in a 20-meter radius of you, but touching the surface the object in question is attached to/sitting on eliminates the range limitation. It also allows teleporting to anywhere within a 40-meter radius, but you need to have a clear line of sight of where you are going. The overall quirk is difficult to use when harnessing vast amounts of energy. It will cause heavy recoil that results in severe physical trauma if you try to use more power than you are capable of handling. You are terrified by your power since adrenaline, whether it be from fear, excitement, or anger, seems to make your quirk evolve and get stronger quickly, letting the maximum amount of energy you can control increase.

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