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TWO HUNDRED READS IN 24 HOURS??? YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! I love you guys so much, thank you! Be sure to finish reading my book, Voltage while waiting for an update on this, and Fixer Upper. I'm excited for this story, and for you guys to Vote, comment, and share with your friends so that I'll have a wider audience to share my work with!  Enjoy :)

"I'm sorry, Miz Blossom, I already put you in the grade book together." I heard Mr Glendie say from around the corner, "Besides, I heard she asked you to study yesterday. She's interested in working with you, and this is your chance to help mold someone's future, if you take it as such." He said hopefully, and I heard a heavy sigh.

"Fine." She sighed, and I took that as my cue to walk inside. I strutted past the only two people in the room to seat myself at the front. I pulled a pen from my jacket pocket, and a crumpled piece of paper from my back pants pocket.

"Hey partner." I winked, then looked to the teacher. "Glendie." I pointed and clicked my tongue.

"Good morning, Toni." Glendie smiled before walking to his desk.

"So, Blossom, I got together some cool killers, if you want 'em." I offered, and she rose a brown before seating herself beside me.

"Amy Archer Gilligan... Eighteen hundreds?" She asked, and I nodded insistently.

"She married men and took out insurance policies on them before killing them. She also ran nursing homes where she got close with them so they'd put her in their will, and then killed them." I divulged, and she hummed.

"Sounds perfect." She smiled, her beautifully plump lips pursed up in a way that made my chest swell in happiness.

"You really do." I winked, and she blushed before looking down at the paper.

"Meet me outside the cafe after school and we'll work on the essay outline." She said after clearing her throat, and I nodded compliantly before sitting back and waiting for the bell to ring.

"Yo, Blossom, you're in my seat!" Shouted some tall meathead once people started to flood in, Glendie at the door to greet the students, and I rose a brow as the girl scurried out of the seat for him.

He grinned smugly, but just as he moved to plop into the desk, I pulled it out from under him, causing him to crash to the ground.

The students around laughed and chortled as the jock groaned, glaring up at me, but not daring to say anything.

"Come on," I muttered to the girl who sat in the back now, and she shook her head. "Just come sit," I said over everyone, allowing them to listen in, "they all know that if they fuck with you, they'll end up in the hospital. Come here." I insisted, and she looked around to the purposely ignorant class before getting up and transferring back to her seat.

She smiled at me in shy thankfulness just as Glendie came in from greeting everyone, ready to start class.


I was walking at lunch, alone, as usual, when I passed the bathrooms and heard my name.

"Toni Topaz? Yeah, I had her in my shop class last year." Said somebody, and then another voice played out.

"God, what I'd pay to see her under the hood of a car, all dirty and greasy, a wrench in one hand, me in the other." I smirked in amusement at the words when a smack resounded in the room.

"God, Ronnie, you have a girlfriend!" A familiar voice, one I could never forget, scolded.

"And she's right here..." The other voice said awkwardly, before this... Ronnie... girl spoke again.

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