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Taehyung had the day off, which was usually a blessing though today neither of his boyfriends could call in sick resulting in a very lonely puppy. Sure had had been given tons of soft morning kisses and enough heartwarming hugs to last most people a week, but Taehyung had always been extra needy for attention especially in littlespace.

After attempting to occupy himself with television and drawing which both began to lacklustre almost immediately he came across the idea of making his lovers a gift for when they got home. He had been banned from painting due to it always ending up with paints on practically every sustainable fabric in the house, so he opted for the next best option. Backing. After grabbing his trusted sidekick, Jenny a stuffed giraffe that wa now worn and frayed but he loved it on the less. He went to the kitchen and found a cookbook opening it to a seemingly simple chocolate chip recipe.

Once he had gathered the necessary ingredients he began pouring them out, his small pink tongue poked out between his lips and his brow was furrowed in concentration as he dedicated his full attention to measuring the ingredients accurately. Well as accurately as a energetic pup could, inevitably some flour and sugar made it to the floor and on the counter but over all he had successfully made a cookie batter. He poured Jenny a small pile of sugar going along with the mentality that sweet things like her deserve equally sweet food, and started to mix the dough with his hands happily humming to himself.

Though something he didn't realise was that Yoongi had come home early and decided it would be a good idea to sneak up on his boyfriend and greet him with a surprise hug. Though Taehyung thought he had been attacked by an unknown stranger and grabbed the pack of flour turning on the intruder and chucking it at Yoongi.

The kitchen briefly looked like a snow storm and once the flour dust has settled they both burst into a fits of laughter, and due to the already destroyed kitchen they decided to wage a makeshift snowball fight, which resulted in not only the kitchen getting covered but also all of their clothes. After a while they both got tired of making flour angels on the floor and yoongi pulled Taehyung onto his lap dusting a bit of flour off of his ears.

“Awe Tae looks like a fluffy husky.. were you trying to make something?” Yoongi grabbed a cloth dampening it and brushing off the youngers face stealing small pecks occasionally.

“Uh huh wanted to make daddy n Yoonie cookies cuz Tae Tae got bored n missed ya..” Taehyung pouted causing yoongi to quickly kiss away the small frown “well let's bake them so there all ready for when daddy comes home” Taehyung eagerly nodded and once the cookies were cooking in the oven and filling the house with a mouth watering aroma.

The two started bantering about their day, well mainly Taehyung blabbered about the new character arc in Pokémon where Brok finally fights in the leaf gym. When they both heard the familiar jingle of Namjoon's keys it was they were both in perfect sync their ears perked up and they walked to the door, well Taehyung ran leaving a small trial of white powder behind him. Sure they could have tried to clean up but they were enjoying themselves far to much.

“Hey babies- holy shit what the fuck happened here?..” Namjoon was shocked his mouth hanging open as he looked around their apartment seeing the obliterated kitchen. “Daddy said a bad word” Taehyung chirped “two actually..” Yoongi quipped back with a small smirk.

An alarm began ringing obnoxiously and Yoongi walked over retrieving the perfectly done cookies and setting them out on the table. “Yoongi why didn't you stop him, and Kim Taehyung you know the oven is off limits when we're not around, yah you made such a mess, baby boy you know this means your in trouble.” Taehyung's lip began to warble and though Yoongi knew he was mainly innocent he couldn't help but feel slightly responsible for the kitchen destruction.

“Joonie I'll clean it up let Tae of he just wanted to make you cookies.” Taehyung quickly nodded wanting to escape any punishment though Namjoon wouldn't let it slip by. “Yoongi you clean I'll come to help pup you follow me” Namjoons voice stayed monotone and calm through the which only scared Taehyung more due to the uncertainty of the whole situation.

Namjoon closed himself and Taehyung in their bedroom sitting down and pulling Taehyung onto his lap who already had glazed over eyes and ears flush against his head. He had always been the trouble maker out of the two but punishments still scared him and as he was pushed over Namjoon's lap he sniffled whimpering. “Daddy no w-wanna make ya a present not bad..” and though Namjoon was empathetic towards his intentions he knew his pup had to learn. “Do good boys destroy the kitchen?” Taehyung pouted impossibly more and mumbled “nuh uh..”

“And what happened to bad boys?” Taehyung hiccupped a little as Namjoon caressed his upper thigh and stroked his tail hoping to calm him down. “Punishments..” Namjoon smiled softly happy to know he knew why he was in trouble. “hmm since you've been pretty good so far only five spankies ok?” Taehyung meekly nodded yelping as the first spank his his cheek.

By the end of the punishment he was crying softly and though Namjoon was pretty sure he hadn't hit the boys tail or been to rough he knew punishments were always hard for his baby so he quickly pulled him into a warm hug and kissed his cheeks and forehead. “Such a good baby taking the punishment so well..” Taehyung stayed quiet still pouting.

Though he was almost always bubbly and loud he was oddly quiet and just stayed fumbling with the hem of Namjoon's shirt. He continued to cry silently and after a minute of cuddles and soft kisses made no avail to his mood Namjoon sighed and gave up. “Tae Tae baby how about this let's eat your yummy cookies and if we help Yoonie clean up we can probably squeeze a movie in before bedtime, how does that sound?”

Taehyung gave no verbal response but his ears did perk up a little and his tail began to sway slowly which was enough of an answer for Namjoon who picked up his baby and walked to the kitchen plopping him on the counter and going to aid Yoongi in his reconstruction of the kitchen.

After half an hour of cleaning they were finally done and relocated to the couch with cookies in hand.

And though they had seen Pokémon season one episode one probably over five hundred times they rewatched it and watched with admiration as Taehyung slipped out of his sad stupor and began to recite each line with as much vigor as he usually did.

By the end of the night Yoongi and Namjoon had fallen asleep and Taehyung curled himself between the two slipping into a calm slumber with a tummy filled of cookies and awaiting dreams of cotton candy.



BUt how was you day?

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