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Namjoon had taken the day off, thought there morning routine continued as normal as he wished both of his babies a good day and shooed them out the door.

It was there second anniversary so he had allot of decorating and wrapping to do, but he first started with a card, sure he wasn't Rembrandt but he tried damn hard using his pups crayons and markers to make two messy illustrations of himself holding Taehyung and Yoongi.

With a chuffed smile he wrote a heart warming note and began to wrap his presents for his lovers.

Though not so far away in a certain dance studio Taehyung had completely ignored Namjoon's slightly skittish attitude this morning and how he was all to excited to send them off to work. Of course the forgetful hybrid would forget a date like this, he had been known to forget hisown birthday or to wear shoes while going outside. He had a mind like a sieve to say the least.

Yoongi on the other hand was a hopeless romantic. Sue him he loved buying gifts and dotting over his boyfriend's. It didn't help that he had recently received his paycheck and had gone on a minor shopping spree a few days prior, this lead to his studio filling up with boxes and starting to resemble a warehouse, and he couldn't be happier.

Yoongi can barely sit still and his usually docile tail is thwacking back and forth in his seat as he grabs his phone to excited to concentrate anyways he texts Namjoon.


Hey hey hey hey Joon Joon how's being lazy? Enjoying sitting back while your boyfriend's earn the bread for our starving household 😔☠️


Babe I watched you eat two boxes of Oreos yesterday,,,


First, the hungry 2yr old snatChed like half, SeCond .. I need food so I can grow, bro did you not pay attention in class 🌱

💞 burntpasta 💞:

Your vertically challenged, your never growing shrimp, and then why did he complain you bit him when he asked for a second cookie-


Wow- personally attacked by my own bf- I hope your a toad in your next life- also it was a love bite I'll give you one when I'm home papí 😤

💞 burntpasta 💞:

Yoongles go and work I can tell your procrastinating,

read 13:43

💞 burntpasta 💞:

Hah I was right..

read 13:46

💞 burntpasta 💞:

Have a good day at work softie 💖

Yoongi put his phone down with a goofy grin, a text from his lovers always brightened his mood as he got back to finilaisng the composition for some toothpaste add.

This brand was dentist recommend.

Never heard that before, he thought sarcastically.

Taehyung was also thinking about dental hygiene at this moment but for a very different reason.

One of his pupils mother was making some elaborate excuse as to why there child couldn't attend the next dance performance, and truthfully he couldn't care less. Though something was on his nerve. She had some salad between here teeth.

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