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Taehyung hadn't seen Yoongi in two days, whereas Namjoon had vaguely seen his silhouette in his studio door, though every time he attempted to converse with the elder he was quickly blown off.

Forty eight hours doesn't seem like much but to Yoongi's boyfriend's it seemed like years, they had texted and called over one hundred times to no avail. At this point Namjoon decided it was time to stage an intervention.

Yoongi had the tendency to be a perfectionist and would sometimes become fixated on commissions. He was a producer and ended up locking himself in his studio for hours on end. It was convenient that Namjoon worked in the same building though convincing him to leave when he had work was near impossible, though at least Namjoon could provide him with food and attempt to tear him away from his work.

Namjoon packed a small bag with little Yoongi's favourite stuffies and some colouring books incase this whole ordeal took some time and he needed to keep Taehyung occupied.

“Common pup were going to go check on Yoonie.” Taehyung's ears perked up at the mention of his name and even though Namjoon had been providing him with more than enough cuddles he still felt as if part of him was missing whenever the eldest disappeared for a long time. So he quickly scampered up grabbing his jacket and slipping it on as he bounced around by the door his tail wagging in anticipation of seeing his boyfriend.

“Daddy daddy common please.. “ Namjoon chuckled and let Taehyung out who sprinted to the car quickly getting in and licking his legs impatiently.

The drive to the studio was short but filled with Taehyung asking again and again if they had arrive which out Namjoon in a rather sour mood. Once they arrived he parked and pulled Taehyung aside “baby boy look daddy is gonna talk to Yoon for a bit and you have to stay quiet till I say so, understand?” Taehyung obediently nodded along his ears flopping about. He had absolutely no clue what Namjoon was playing at though the prospect of being in Yoongi's arms soon made him abnormally behaved.

They ended up outside Yoongi's studio and Namjoon knocked seeing his familiar mop of faded blue hair though the frosted glass. “Lil pup Joon is here common it's time you came home and had a proper rest.” There was no reply, and though Namjoon respected he needed his space and time to work he knew better for the elders health. So he knocked a few more times even louder. He saw the boys ears twitch and knew he had heard when Yoongi removed his headphones.

*Common Yoongi Tae really misses you, I miss you pup come home, please sweetie.” He put on his best caregiver voice and heard a small whine but not from Taehyung who was fiddling with his zipper, but from inside the room and he knew his plan was working. “sugar can you open the door for daddy? Pretty please.”  Yoongi on the other hand was struggling to keep himself in a headspace where he could be productive, he absolutely despised how his boyfriend could pry him away from his task with a simple change in tone. The eldest huffed and grumbled “Joon I have to submit this by tomorrow though..” he sighed and Namjoon was quick to reply “ you can ask for an extension baby you haven't been home in days, you'll be more productive after a good nights rest and a warm meal.” the brunett hybrid by Namjoon’s side was getting impatient and though he had been extremely quiet he was desperate to have a go at trying to convince Yoongi to return home, and though Namjoon attempted to uphold a strict aura around the youngest he could never say no to his hazel puppy eyes.

“Yoonie.. Bubba tae tae misses ya.. Pwease come home wanna colour n cuddle daddy is to tall to hug n a plushie isn't the same.” Taehyung had pressed his cheek against the glass and his tail was making a methodical thud against Namjoon’s leg as it wagged back and forth Yoongi saw the faint imprint of his youngest boyfriend and instantly felt guilty, he checked the time it was far past his bedtime and he hadn't realised he was there the whole time.  He reluctantly saved his work and opted to try and negotiate a compromise between the two. He walked to the door opening it with his eyes trained on the floor He felt it was wrong that his boyfriends had become so concerned over him and wanted to just get back to work, though the two others had a different agenda.

The second Yoongi opened the door Namjoon slipped in and pressed his lips against the elders forehead and wrapped his large hands around the eldests petit waist “sugar don't fight it we're going home, no talking back alright?” he was well aware Yoongi would attempt to suss out a mid ground between the two so he could work longer and Yoongi gasped seeming almost offended that the words had been taken out of his mouth so he just let out a defeated sigh “Joonie please just one more hour then we can go home, promise.” he even pouted a little due o relaxing and the exhaustion causing him to regress or purly in a attempt to convince Namjoon neither of them were certain.

“Nope sorry, your coming home and that's that” he unraveled himself and pecked Taehyung’s cheek “peanut can you carry Yoonie bear to the car he is kinda sleepy and grumpy.”

Taehyung was quick to swoop Yoongi’s small frame up partially because it was a great reason to be closer to the elder whose affection and contact he craved. He placed a small kiss behind the Shell of Yoongi's ear and grinned “just relax prince tae tae will carry chu to safety.”

Yoongi gave in his lovers had made all this effort and Namjoon even whipped out his favourite plushie which was a marron beetle he had named Walter, how could he resist their comforting gazes and sweet gestures laced with adoration and honest love.

As they walked out of the studio Yoongi felt his heart drop as a wave of regret hit him. He really did need to finish the composition and he began to claw at Tahyungs shoulder causing him to yelp and tighten his grip on Yoongi. This only made Yoongi's regret bloomed into panic as he began to overthink an absurd senario all steaming from not submitting this one commision. He had subconsciously slipped but the worries still lingered fresh in his mind and he started hiccuping his cheeks standing with fresh tears and leaving his eyes red and puffy.

The small comotion lead Namjoon to turn around and softly caress Yoongi's ears as he hushed him a little assuming he was second guessing going home. “Bubba the work isn't going anywhere were just taking you home to sleep you'll be back here soon don't worry.” his tone was laced with a honey like calmness that instantly soothed Yoongi's worries like magic. Truthfully he was knackered and the sudden tears were mainly due to sheer exhaustion and Namjoon wasn't too worried since he was well aware both of his pups would cry from the smallest ordeals when they were sleepy.  

Once they were in their car the constant rumble of the engine ad Taehyung's warm tail wrapped around Yoongi making him fall asleep straight away. Namjoon and taehyung exchanged smug and cheeky grins knowing they had both done the right thing.

It's safe to say everyone slept better that night.


I've never written before and i feel like this is ykeES

Also Walter is my pet beetle fight me

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