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The work week started today, meaning everyone slipped back into their weekly routines.

Well almost everyone, Taehyung was still bitter from last night and proceeded to ignore all of Namjoon’s offers for breakfast and Yoongi’s sleepy hug. This was especially odd since he was usually the driving force motivating them both to get to work on time.

Namjoon was very worried and having a little Yoongi clinging to his side didn’t help. Taehyung even managed to slip out of the door with a small goodbye completely passing up the option of their usual parting kisses.

This bewildered Namjoon who was stuck juggling dressing Yoongi and trying to coax him out of little space so he could go to work and trying to get ready so he himself could make it to a meeting with a producer he was collaborating with. To say the least Namjoon was stressed.

He eventually managed to get Yoongi ready and sent him off to work with a few pecks and warm hug.

Now he had to try and figure out what had made his bubbly pup so quiet, he thought maybe his baby was ill? Perhaps the squabble from yesterday was still taking its toll on him.

Namjoon has absolutely no clue and went to his meeting still brewing over what had happened.

Taehyung on the other hand had arrived at the studio and was slumping to his class surprisingly unenthusiastic to teach his favourite pupils. Of course the students recognised his obvious low mood when he stepped in with his ears flush against his head and his tail hanging between his thighs.

Despite his mellow appearance he still danced elegantly and even taught well though at the end of the lesson a small girl who he adored for her hard working attitude came over and gave him half a biscuit while tugging his shirt so she could whisper in his ear.

“Mommy told me not to share but oppa looked sad.. n cookies make everything better right.?” She gave him a bright smile that practically melted the hybrids heart. These were the moments he cherished about teaching.

“Thanks Yuka, don't worry about hyung just a little sleepy” he pet her messy brown mop of hair and dismissed the class.

The rest of the day proceeded in a similar fashion with Taehyung slumping from lesson to lesson, Yoongi pouring his heart out onto his next album, and Namjoon trying to cope with his meetings and worries about Taehyung.

By the end of the everyone was exhausted and Namjoon wanted nothing more than to come home to the warm embrace of his two adorable boyfriends. He stepped into their apartment and spotted a familiar pair of hazel ears, he snuck up on Taehyung with a goofy grin and pounced on him.

Though the youngest had a different idea and tried to push Namjoon away, though Taehyung never knew his own strength and what was meant to be a passive aggressive push turned out to be more of a messy punch.

“Go away hyun-“ he turned around seeing Namjoon’s face, his cheek and eye were a bit red and he looked shocked and deeply hurt.

“I just wanted to give my baby a hug.”

“No hyungie I didn't mean to i'm sorry really sorry ah hyung wait” he shot his hand out and tried to pull Namjoon closer worried about what was going on behind his lovers brooding eyes.

Namjoon took a hasty breath and looked Taehyung up and down contemplating how to react briefly.

“Babe what’s wrong, you know you have to be open for this whole relationship thing to work. Did I do something wrong when you were little?” poor Namjoon had been worrying the whole day trying to retrace his footsteps to discover what he had done exactly to put Taehyung in such a sour mood.

“...did nothing..” the hybrids ears were flat against his head and Namjoon knew he was lying, he was about to push Taehyung to talk again but thankfully a farmilar jingle of keys saved them both from the tense situation.

“Hey- what..?” Yoongi was confused as to why both of his lovers were looking at him with pleading expression, though they both had very different intentions.

“Joonie baby what happened to your eye..and Tae why do you look like you've seen a ghost die..”

Yoongi was only greeted with more silence and sighed assuming the black eye was just some accident, he walked over kissing Namjoon's temple and turning to Taehyung.

“Joon can you start with dinner?”

“Hyung I can't cook-” he was quickly silenced with one of Yoongi's sharp glares and fumbled to the kitchen.

Now Yoongi was probably the most emotionally perceptive out of their trio and knew something was surly wrong with Taehyung, and though Namjoon and he had been sure to constantly remind the youngest of their love he was well aware that Taehyung tended to overthink the smallest things.

It was understandable he and Namjoon had been dating for a little more than a year before they even met Taehyung, it was no wonder he worried so often.

“Taetae baby what's wrong.?” He sat next to the youngest and pulled him onto his lap while carefully carding his hands through his soft tail as he knew it always managed to relax any hybrid.


“Baby you hit Joonie I know it was an accident but it's obvious something's wrong now tell us or you'll be in trouble.” Yoongi had occasionally found himself scolding and disciplining the younger since he would always lend Namjoon a hand when he could but seeing Taehyung look so defeated made everyone around him just want to swaddle him in hugs and kisses.

“Daddy never gets mad at Yoon.. Tae doesn't like bein in twouble and Yoon never is..” Taheyung had obviously slipped and Yoongi quickly hugged him tighter kissing his cheeks and rubbing his back reassuringly.

“doll look we both love you equally, and Joon would never pick favourites the only reason you get punished more is because you act out more, if you don't like the rules we have now we can change them.” Namjoon was of course eavesdropping from around the corner but seeing Yoongi work his magic on Taehyung and slowly being back his usual happy pup prevented him from interrupting.

“How about this, we make Joonie do all of the dishes tonight and.. tomorrow as well sounds like good d pay back right?” Taheyung giggled softly his head bobbing along as he agreed, and who was Namjoon to say no to such a cute sight.

In the end Namjoon ended up doing the dishes for the whole week, Yoongi always managed to find and excuse not to help and Taehyung always said he had to go and feed their fish.

They didn't have a fish.

Yet Namjoon never complained.


i have no iDeA wheRe ThIs is GOinG sOmeOne heLp?

Also I have never heard of proof reading so feel.free to point out my mistakes I'll correct em.:)

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