Chapter 5 ~ Her

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Song: Trey Songz - Can't Be Friends


For the past two weeks, I've had to come here, sit in this office that held such a hauntingly blissful memory and scour through endless mind-numbing files. She's managed to avoid me every day, slipping out as I'm coming in or answering her phone as I try to talk to her, the shit thing; she's also plagued my dreams every night, her alluring eyes fixed in my mind. I had sent her message after message on the 'anonymous' app, messaged her phone and emailed, she only replies when it comes to work. I'd had enough.

I wandered sullenly down to the corner bistro to grab lunch, only, when I entered; I spotted her, furiously typing away on her Mac Book. The number on her table indicated she had ordered and was waiting so, I told them the number and went a sat next to her at the booth, she was not going to evade me again. Her eyes widened as I seated myself.

"I didn't expect you to be here."

"Same." She huffed, continuing to type.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I said, placing my hand on her thigh.

She brushed my hand away but her hands had frozen, hovering just above the keys. "I've been busy."

"I know you read my messages, why didn't you block me if you find me so repulsive?"

"I don't find you repulsive Dante, I just... I..." Quinn's mind was failing to find an excuse.

"One chicken salad and a bubble tea." The waitress deposited her order on to the table, "is that all for this table?" She went to answer but I cut her off.

"No, there's still my stuff coming."

"I'll check on that now for you, handsome." The waitress replied with a wink, I ignored her flirtatious behaviour and focused on Quinn's hands that were now clenched into tight balls.

I grabbed her right hand but she tried to pull away, I wasn't allowing it. For two weeks she had become my obsession, borderline stalkerish obsession and I had scoured the internet in my free time, searching for anything available on her. It took a bit, but I finally came across a lot of information and it only fuelled my craving for her. She slowly relaxed as I rubbed the back of her hand gently.

"You see, Quinn, I'm a man that goes after what he wants and so far, you have avoided every advance I have made."

"I'm not some possession for you to own Dante, take the waitress, she seems very interested."

"I don't want the waitress, I want you."

"Well, I'm unavailable."

"What will it take for you to just be my friend?" She turned to look at me.

"Is that what you really want?"

"Well, it's obvious that you do not want anything else from me."

She sighed, "Dante..."

"Quinn, I can't get you out of my mind," I practically whispered, "if you really don't want me then can we at least, be friends?" I knew I couldn't just be friends with her, but it was better than nothing.

"Fine," she conceded, my heart jumped inside my chest, "friends, no touching, no inappropriate line blurring or crossing... friends."

I held my hand over my heart, "friends."

"Turkey salad on rye with a tropical smoothy," the waitress interrupted.

I saw something odd on my napkin and picked it up. The bloody waitress had written down her phone number. I saw Quinn's eyes rake over it then her head snapped back as the waitress stood the smirking. "Excuse me miss?"

Dante's Love Affair (SAMPLE - Story moved to Inkitt)Where stories live. Discover now