Chapter 6 ~ His Family

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Song: DJ Snake - Let Me Love You ft. Justin Bieber

*** Just a reminder, I accidentally broke my laptop, so I will try to update as much as I can but please bear with me, it's hard on your phone, thank you. <3 ***


With much resistance and protesting, we managed to finally coax her into coming to Mr Chows Chinese restaurant, my mother was simply delighted, you could tell by the gigantic smile on her face. Thank goodness Quinn had decided to send away her body guards, those guys look like arrogant animals and this was an intimate and private affair.

"I'm curious Mrs Xeal," mum began, "you are so young, when did you marry?"

"Quinn, please Arabella, I was twenty."

"Did he not want to join us?"

"Arabella," dad scorned.

"Yes, Quinn, it would have been nice of him to come." Pierre pushed.

"I'm sure he would, if he could." She smiled politely but it didn't quite reach her eyes, again a flash of sadness crossed her face but it was gone as quickly as it came.

"What do your parents do?"

"Mum," I scolded, damn her and her prying.

"A... Ah..."

"I'm sorry; you don't have to answer that." I offered hoping everyone would let go of their curious inquisition.

"It's fine, my father was an investor and my mother was a museum curator."

"Wow, such interesting jobs. You said... was, have they passed?" Quinn's face paled.

"Fuck me; I thought I was never going to get here." Viola comes floundering in, saving the tense moment of questioning and a sigh of relief pushed through her now stained red lips, which she had licked so many times during our two hour meeting, she had worn away the shiny glaze.

"Hey, a new person?" Viola commented with her lack of social tongue. Vi kissed mum, dad, Pierre and his wife Amber on the cheek and then drove her fist into my arm. "Bro." She gripped Blades shoulder warmly and I saw a faint blush tint his cheeks but he remained silent, staring at the menu like it was the most interesting thing in the room. "Hey, I'm Viola," she extended her hand and Quinn shook it.

"Quinn," a small smile danced over her mouth.

"Quinn, nice... so, what are we eating? Because I'm starved." Viola had always been a vivacious spirit, it was easy for her to be the most outgoing and liked person in a room.

Just then Mr Dai Chow appeared, "Ah, my VIP's, how you pleasure my heart so."

"Dai, how are you old friend?" My father and Pierre both embraced him as though they were all brothers.

"Good, Feng is in his last year and will start his doctorate soon."

"Ah, you must be so proud." Dad commented.

"Logan, proud and very happy. Please, I have prepared something special for your arrival, no menu's needed today," he beamed at us. Quinn's eyes carefully watched the exchange with a slight turn up in the corners of her mouth.

Mr Chow clapped his hands and the waitresses appeared with the first trays of drinks, then the appetisers. The fried and steamed wontons with sweet and sour sauce had my mouth salivating. The women placed the freshly cooked spring rolls and prawn crackers down before grasping the handles of the jugs and pouring everyone a glass. We only ever drank Kiwi and Apple sparkling juice here but Quinn had not been here before and she eyed the glass suspiciously. I laughed at her facials.

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