New Travels, Friday, April 14th, 1645

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 Hello again. So much has happened since I last spoke to you (indirectly, I mean). Most prominently, but also unfortunately, I have lost my family. The other pigeons that had been with me for so long, my friends, my siblings; they are gone. I still hope sometimes that they are still in this world, somewhere, flying through the same skies as me, but deep down I know that they are gone. Taken from me by illness, storms, even violent treatment. I'm all alone know. I know that I must be grateful for the fact that I have survived where others have not, yet I cannot help but feel lonely. However, I must not get too caught up in my emotions, otherwise this entry will drag on and on about things that are not of any importance. In the countless years since you last heard from me, I've been doing many things. Right now, I've been involved in a pigeon postal system for the benefits of some merchants. The naval captain, called Henry....T...Teonge, he has a diary like mine; I saw it once when I was making a delivery. He wrote about me in it. Well, not me specifically. Although I would hope that he notices how I am the most efficient pigeon. Not to be rude to the other pigeons, but they are ordinary, mortal pigeons. Insignificant, dispensable, their lives even shorter than those of the humans who I am eternally bound to serve. I, on the other hand...I do not know why my life has stretched as it has, or what my limits are, but I do know that I am special. I guess I must have some sort of purpose here. I suppose that I will figure it out sooner or later. Until we meet again, on this never ending timeline of my life.

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