Chapter 14

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After a few days of staying at Noah's parent's house, we left and we headed home. When we got home I saw that my family was here.

"Who's here?" Noah asks.

"My family for some reason" I then park my car and get out and helped Noah out and we headed inside. When we went in I saw my family was in the living room. "what are you guys doing here?"

"Well since you said you were coming home today, we thought it would be a good idea to meet the person that stole my son's heart," mom says.

"Actually mom made us all come over here," Jack says.

"He's telling the truth, your mother did do that," dad says.

"Mom" I look at her like 'what the hell'.

"What, I wanted to meet the person that was carrying my grandpups," mom says.

We then sit down and talk and as we did I saw how Leo was looking at Noah.

"Why are you looking at him like that?" I ask looking at Leo.

"Who?" Sam asks.

"Leo" they all look at him.

"What's going on?" dad asks.

"Are you going to tell them or should I and you know that I will" he rolls his eyes at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Leo says.

"Ok fine" I look at them "Jack do you remember when your boyfriend almost dumped you after meeting the family?" I ask.

"Yeah and that really scared me, why did you bring this up?" Jack asks.

"Leo is the reason why your boyfriend almost dumped you"

"Leo what did you do?" Jack asks getting mad.

"I didn't do anything," Leo says.

"Kevin what did he do?" Jack asks.

"You know that look you saw him give Noah?" they nod "that's the same look he gave your boyfriend and after they talked that's when your boyfriend got scared"

"Shut up Kevin, stop trying to turn them against me," Leo says being mad.

"No, I want to know, what did he say to scare my Polarbear boyfriend?" Jack asks being pissed now.

"Last chance Leo," he says nothing "fine, Leo told your boyfriend that he shouldn't be with a wolf, he should be with his own kind and he said that him being with you just brings shame to the family"

"You son of a bitch," Jack says being very pissed "what gives you the right to do that?"

"Well since it's out I may as well say it," Leo says "yes I said that and you know grandpa was right"

"What does this have to do with my dad?" dad asks.

"Grandpa was right, people and animals should stick with their own kind and not mix and make hybrids babies, it just ruins the animal bloodline when different animals mix," Leo says.

"Son, that's your grandpa talking, you are not him," dad says.

"Maybe so, but I agree with him and you know I can't even stand my Uncle for what he did," Leo says being mad.

"What did my brother do to you?" dad asks.

"O he did nothing to me, it's what he did to the family," Leo says.

"And that is what?" Sam asks.

"He fell in love with a different animal and now he's a family man and with hybrid kids," Leo says.

"Leo, my brother is with her because he loves her and yes she may not be a wolf, but love is love, no matter the gender or species," dad says.

"He may love that cheetah of his but he still brings shame to the family" Leo then look at Jack "and Jack your boyfriend is a coward and scaredy-cat"

"You know dam well how he is and you know he scared easily, just because he looks big and tuff, you know he's not, and I love him for who he is," Jack says.

Leo then gets up and grabs Noah.

"Let go of Noah NOW," I said being worried and mad.

"Well ok" he then throws Noah to the floor and he lands on his stomach and he groans in pain "I didn't mean to do that, but that might end those hybrids in there"

I then punch Leo in the face and tackle him and beat him up so back.

"Kevin" I stop and look at Noah "I'm bleeding out from below," Noah said as he starts to panic.

"Shit," we all said except Leo since he was knocked out.

We then gather together and we took Noah to the hospital and we left Leo outside my house and I took away the key to my house away as well.

When we got there the nurses took him and they did their work and we had to wait in the waiting room.

Hours later the doctor came and called my name and we went to the doctor.

"How is he doctor?" I asked with worry and I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Well I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" the doctor asks.

"Please give us the good news first," I said.

"Ok, well Noah is fine," the doctor says and we sigh with relief.

"And what's the bad news?" mom asks.

"The bad news is that since he landed on his stomach real hard I'm afraid................................." the doctor looks at me "..........................your pups didn't make it, I'm sorry"

"What, no" I then begin to cry and Sam comes to me and comforts me "no not my pups" I then fall to the floor while still holding Sam.

"Does Noah know about this as well?" dad asks.

"Yes and he's not taking it well, just like him," the doctor says looking at me.

After I calmed down we went to see Noah and we saw him holding our died pups in a blanket that had then wrapped up and that he was crying.

"Their gone" Noah says "did you know we had 4 boys and 2 girls," he says as he cries harder.

I then go to him and lay with him and we all begin crying.


After the what happened we had a funeral for our pups and Noah's family came too and they didn't take it very well either.

And since Leo took their lives he went to jail for life.



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