A Dragon's Tale by MaskedDreams1

370 59 33

SONG: Deep Shadows




There was a time when all of creation lived in perfect harmony - a time when the creatures ruled the day and we, the dragons, ruled the night - then the humans came.

Before they were nothing but measly specie trying in vain to survive, then they began to multiply, fast; and they came to us bearing every single weapon they were able to create.

They drove us away from our nesting grounds; they killed most of us, even the creatures who dared to fight alongside us

We thought everything would be alright afterwards - that what they had done was enough - but we never thought so wrong.

Humans are power-hungry. They would do anything to have it in their hands, even when they know it will lead to their own corruption; and I wish we figured that out long before.

They came at midnight and silently like a thief, they took the lives of most of our kin. Howls and sounds of war soon filled the silent night. The war seemed endless and the aftermath was horrific. Human bodies, along with the carcasses of our kind, littered the earth. Blackish red hue covered the once-brown-and-green floor.

Those of us who survived were filled with grief and a deep desire for revenge. We swore that the humans would feel the pain they have afflicted upon us. We pledged upon ourselves that they would suffer, they would die. We made those promises as we piled the remains and breathed fire onto it. But it was like fate itself knew that revenge was not for our kind, for we weren't able to fulfill any of those promises.

My father's words painted vivid images in my head. I could almost imagine the forest after the war - the carnage, the bodies, everything. I slowly opened my eyes as I felt my father's presence behind me.

"Tell me what happened next." I whispered.

The temperature around me rose as I felt my father's nostrils upon my back, and gently he breathed fire, warming me.

"An owl came."

"An owl?"

"Yes, an owl," my father walked slowly, like he was chasing a prey, and soon he filled my area of vision. He opened his eyes and they were instantly locked with mine.

"Owls are very wise, my dear boy; this one most especially."


"It sees the future."

He closed his eyes and I watched as the darkness engulfed him.

It came to us, flying wildly, its eyes wider than usual. We watched as it lost altitude, and fell among the ashes. We bared our teeth, our tails swishing angrily behind us. We thought we scared it when it surfaced for it was blubbering nonsense.

"A daughter as pure as white...the awaited light."

"The fire will have to fend... this is not yet the end."

It repeated its nonsense until unrest spread like wildfire through us, until we gave meaning to the words. We only knew one among our kin who had a daughter as pure as white and he was the most dangerous; but it was the last part that rattled us the most.

This is not yet the end.

The humans could return. They could kill all of us this time, now that most of us are weak. These thoughts ran through our minds, for all of us were connected to each other. Solutions were suggested but none were good enough and arguments soon began.

Liriko: The ShowdownTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon