Unrequited by forlorn_hope

339 34 23

SONG: Just A Friend

ARTIST: Jamie Grace ft. Manwell



Once, there was a witch who was turned to stone and only a ring of the bell could wake her up.

Two children, who had the opportunity to travel to the witch's world, struck the bell causing the witch to come to life.

The witch, after regaining her strength, woke the animals and plants as she was the guardian of those.

That had happened a thousand years ago, but no one had any knowledge that such thing happened.

Humans did not have any idea that animals and even plants could talk or were even 'alive'. Just like in this certain museum where, let's say, interesting things happen at night.

Now, in this museum, an owl statue was situated at the entrance. But just like the witch, all animal statues came to life during the night.

It was said by a many that owls were symbols for wisdom. Hence, the name "The Advisor" was placed upon the owl. The owl flies and serves as a confidant among his fellow animals every night.

As the clock struck ten, a glowing light was emitted from the museum. Stones started to dissolve as the animals finally had the chance to be themselves again.

As soon as he could finally feel his wings again, the owl flew and situated himself on a branch.

This particular evening, the owl could be seen with a love bird as if they were in a heated discussion.

You would never hear them speak if you would not go near them. It did not even look like they were talking. It was like seeing two birds perched on a branch; but quite an odd pair at that.

'Twas pretty funny on how their discussion was taking place. You could say it was like what some human girls experience as their conversation progresses.

"What is your problem, dear one?" The owl asked.

"Why doesn't he like me back?" The love bird asked and if you were there listening, you would hear that her voice cracked a bit.

She was waiting for the owl to talk, but no words came out of his mouth. And she even had a doubt whether the owl could help her with her problem or not.

The owl moved his head as an indication for her to continue her story. She hesitated for a bit but continued anyway.

I first saw him in a group. He was sitting on a branch with his friends. When I saw him, everything felt blurry and all I can see was him and me.

I could feel sparks and I knew then and there that he was the one for me.

My friends said that I was crazy to think about this. They said that I don't even know what I'm talking about. That this feeling I have for him would soon pass.

I didn't understand what they were talking about. I know I love him. Why can't they see that?

I didn't know that people around me started noticing my sudden change of behavior. They would say that I have this certain feel that they can't quite pinpoint out. He'll pop in my mind and I would smile even wider.

I started to talk to him once and I felt that I was in cloud nine back then. It felt like my heart was about to burst with all the happiness I was feeling.

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