chapter one

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"Ready?" The guy holding both his hands asked quietly. But Doyoung could already tell, he was very un-ready.

    As soon as the first beat of the song started, Doyoung felt his heart drop. He was the last person who should be caught between two very attractive guys dancing Hyuna's Roll Deep.

    Don't enjoy this, he thought to himself. Please, that was the last thing he needed right now.

    With wide eyes Doyoung watched as the guy in front of him rolled his hips around while he stared at the audience behind them. Their hands still grasped tightly together.

    Doyoung could feel the guy that had been standing behind him was doing something similar facing the audience behind them. He had to resist the urge to squeeze his eyes shut in embarrassment.

    Softly, the guy holding Doyoung's hands let them slip apart. Both guys gave a shake to the beat and turned so they were standing on either side of Doyoung. With his hands free, Doyoung clasped them together in front of himself. His cheeks were on fire as he started to feel too hot in his jacket.

    The boys on either side were making faces at the crowd as they both turned and placed their hands on Doyoung's chest. Slowly they let their hands travel down and then pulled away to start dancing.

    Doyoung had to admit that they were both super cute. The one that had been standing in front of him was lean and his smile was infectious. His dark brown hair fell into his eyes so he was constantly shaking it out of his way.

As Doyoung looked at him he felt quite self conscious of his own body. Broad shoulders, about the average height. His hair was currently dyed this awful color of orange that had only just begun to fade, and in the front was a strip of bleached hair. Quickly, Doyoung reached up and pushed his hat down to make sure that no one could see his hair.

    The other guy dancing was taller and wider. Almost less suited for this type of busking because he looked so masculine.

    While the guys were dancing in front of Doyoung, his thoughts flashed back on to how he had wound up in between the two guys in the first place.

    He had originally just gone out shopping for Taeil's birthday but somewhere he had turned down a busking street. Suddenly, he had felt a pull from the crowd and was being dragged into the center of the open circle where some guys had been performing.

    The softer one had smiled at him and grasped his hands as the two guys got ready to start.

    Doyoung's mind jolted to the present again as he watched both boys swivel their hips around towards him. One of the boys, the taller one, abruptly dropped into a squat and twerked. There were loud cheers and screams of excitement from the watching crowd.

As the pre-chorus started, both boys went to either side of Doyoung again, leaning one hand and their heads on his shoulders. Their front ankle rolled around and slowly moved up their leg till it moved their hips. Doyoung's eyes followed their movements and he could feel his wide eyes get even wider.

The taller boy danced in front of Doyoung as the other reached up to whisper into Doyoung's ear. "Open your legs."

Blush spreading across his face and down his neck, Doyoung spread his legs a little. The one that had whispered in his ear walked around till he was behind Doyoung.

Doyoung clenched his hands harder together in front of him as he anticipated what he knew was coming next.

Even though he knew it was going to happen it was still a surprise when the guy crawled under him and stayed on his hands and knees in between Doyoung's legs. Looking down, Doyoung watched the guy whip his dark brown hair around and slowly crawl out from between his legs.

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