chapter five

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Jungwoo's body was very warm in Doyoung's arms, almost like a furnace that was on full blast. When Doyoung looked at his face, it was flushed bright red.

"Are you alright? You feel really warm." He reached one of his hands up to press the back of his fingers onto Jungwoo's forehead.

Jungwoo pulled himself out of Doyoung's arms and started to press his own hands to his cheeks. "Yeah I'm just a mess." He looked down the path and stepped back again, further from Doyoung.

"No, Jungwoo. You feel really, really warm." Reaching out once more, Doyoung tried to feel Jungwoo's head, but Jungwoo was quick to push it away.

"It's probably just the cold. I should go find Lucas and head home." Eyes still glancing around him, Jungwoo picked at the edge of his shirt.

"Oh, okay." He could feel his heart drop in his chest. "When can I see you again?" He tried to catch Jungwoo's eye, nervously shoving his hands in his pockets and rocking back on his heels.

"I'm not sure, I'll call you. But I really should go. Lucas is waiting." For the shortest of seconds, Jungwoo glanced up and met Doyoung's gaze. He reached up and pulled some fallen strands of hair out of his face, tucking them behind his ear. "Bye Doyoung." Jungwoo turned around and crossing his arms, hurried down the path.

"Bye," sighed Doyoung to the empty path.

The sun was starting to set behind the trees making the path seem much darker than it had several minutes ago. Without Jungwoo, the path acquired a certain darkness whereas with Jungwoo, even in the twilight things has still been bright with his smile.

With his hands still deep in his pockets, Doyoung started back towards the subway, confused and alone.


As Jungwoo walked down the path soon he could see the familiar lights of the street shining up ahead.

When he exited the overhang of the trees the world was suddenly filled with the loud noises of traffic and people passing. The lights outside of shops were turning on before his eyes. Just down the street he could just see Lucas' tall form standing outside the noodle shop.

Steeling himself against the sudden breeze, Jungwoo headed to Lucas. Despite the wind that seemed to chill Jungwoo to the bone, his mind was starting to feel jumbled and foggy.

"Lucas," he managed to gasp out as he reached his best friend, "Let's go home."

Lucas took one look at Jungwoo before his calm face was transformed into one of concern. "What's wrong? Where's Doyoung?"

"It's nothing," His teeth chattered in the warm May air. "He's gone home."

They walked for a good while in silence, but about a block from their house, Lucas couldn't keep the silence any longer. "What happened? I know you're keeping something from me." His voice was rough and his hands were nervously fidgeting in front of him.

Jungwoo felt even colder and his whole body was shaking. "I don't want to talk about it right now." His steps got bigger, trying to get back to the apartment.

As they arrived at their building, they started the long trek up, up, up. There was no elevator and so they had to climb the stairs all the time.

Finally, they got to the front door and pushed it open into the entryway. The familiar smells of his sister's cooking welcomed them in.

But even as Jungwoo entered the apartment he continued to shiver.

"You're late!" called a voice from the kitchen.

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