chapter four

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Jungwoo was getting closer and Doyoung's will was wavering more and more by the second.

Almost as if he just realized how close he had gotten, Jungwoo pushed off his hands and in the limited space tried to get more room between them. "I'm sorry. I- I didn't mean to cross a line. I know you're not looking to date. I guess I just got caught up in my emotions and I wasn't thinking."

His confession caught Doyoung by surprise, because if Jungwoo had kissed him, he wouldn't have stopped it. He was so wrapped up in his own emotions, a part of him was still aching for his lips to meet Jungwoo's. Wishing that Jungwoo had just closed the distance and kissed him.

Jungwoo continued to ramble, a cute nervous tick that Doyoung had noticed recently, his hands fidgeting in front of him- "And I hope that you don't think that I didn't respect that. Because I do. I really really like you, and I would never force you to do something you don't want to do."

"Stop." His feelings were only encouraged by Jungwoo's confession. How could he have met someone so amazing? People like him just didn't exist. How did everything he say just make Doyoung fall for him more? But he was right. Doyoung didn't want to date, or did he? Shaking his head, he looked into Jungwoo's eyes. Wow, his eyes. The soft oak color of his eyes was like taking a dive into a volcano. Deep and endless but also filled with a passion and fire.

As Doyoung looked he could feel his blush spreading from his face down his neck and over his ears.

Jungwoo's face was full of confusion. "Stop?-"
He couldn't say anymore because in a moment of pure, raw emotion Doyoung wrapped his hand around Jungwoo's neck and pulled him to him. Their lips meeting in the middle. Pressed together in a tight embrace.

This feeling was amazing. The touch of their bodies pressed together in the tight space and the climax of their touching lips was more amazing than Doyoung could have imagined. Too soon, he let the pressure of his hand on the back of Jungwoo's neck release so they could pull away. Slowly, his hand slipped down until it rested on his chest. His other hand clenched with a fist full of Jungwoo's shirt at his waist.

Doyoung couldn't help but take a deep breathe in as he tried to ingrain this moment in his mind forever. The air smelled like cinnamon and dried leaves. Doyoung couldn't help but take another breath in, not fully realizing that the smell was coming from Jungwoo's shirt.

He had to resist the urge to continue kissing Jungwoo. It was all he wanted to do. The rational part of his mind finally stepped forward and pulled him back to reality. They were in a cramped space, hiding from Jungwoo's ex, and he had just kissed him. What had he been thinking? He hadn't been thinking at all.

Doyoung's eyes fell to where his hand was resting on Jungwoo's chest. The contrast of his skin against the white shirt. Like the contrast of their personalities. Doyoung, a guy who had so much baggage and wasn't able to love freely. But Jungwoo, this amazing guy who had so much confidence and swagger to everything he did. The comparison shot a pain into his heart. Doyoung finally looked up again into the waiting oak eyes of Jungwoo.

"Wow." The softness of Jungwoo's voice wasn't even enough to break the moment.

They stayed that way for a while, letting the lingering of their kiss influence the air around them.

"I need to call Lucas." Jungwoo spoke abruptly, breaking the silence. He fumbled in the darkness to find his phone and pulled it out of one of his pockets. The brightness of the screen lit up the dark space, illuminating his face. Doyoung could see him mess with the phone for a moment before pressing the phone to his ear. He started to bounce in place as he waited for Lucas to answer. "Hey." A pause, "Yeah I know. He saw me but we got away." Jungwoo listened as Lucas spouted into the phone.

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