chapter ten

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       In the fading light around them, Lucas and Eunwoo walked home. Eunwoo's parents had taken the car to pick up some things and had told Lucas and Eunwoo to go home without them.
Now as they walked, they made small talk, neither of them noticing the hooded figure that followed them.
"When are you going to paint me? I've got great proportions and before you say no, I've also got a handsome face." Lucas pointed to himself and smiled, trying to get a laugh out of Eunwoo.
"I don't do people, you know that." she insisted, only letting him see the smallest of smiles.
"Lies. I've seen your portraits. You can do people but you choose not to." Lucas glanced down at Eunwoo as she took two strides for every one of his. Her hair tied up in its usual bun atop her head bounced as she walked. Lucas tried to slow down so she could keep up.
"I can do people, you're right. But it's not what I'm best at, it's not what brings me joy when I paint." Eunwoo tucked one of the stray curls behind her ear.
"Just paint me once. If I could pay you I would." Lucas swung his arms about in large gestures as he talked. "I know! I'll pay you in laughter. The whole time you paint me I'll make you laugh, guaranteed." He ran ahead at his brilliant idea.
This time Eunwoo couldn't help her smile, as Lucas danced around in front of her, cheering for himself. She glanced around them,"Lucas, stop. People are going to think you're crazy."
"Not until you say yes!"Lucas shouted back as he cartwheeled badly down the street.
"Fine! Yes! I'll paint a portrait for you!" Eunwoo called after him. "Now get back here!"
Finally, Lucas stopped spinning in a circle and looked back at Eunwoo, smiling and laughing as he swung his arms around.
But as he walked towards her, his carefree attitude changed and his muscles became tense. "Eunwoo, come here and get behind me." He reached out his hand to her and pulled her so she was behind him, trying to peak out at what was going on.
"What's wrong Lucas? No friendly hug or 'Its been too long'?" A dark haired figure stepped forward until he was directly underneath the streetlamp. The light cast long shadows on his face, giving him a more sinister appearance.
"You're an enforcer. No one ever likes to see your ugly face," Lucas reached back and Eunwoo slipped her hand into his, the motion gave him some bravery. "What do you want?"
The man glanced at his nails as he spoke, as if he was examining them for any flaws. "I'm sure you know. But just in case I need to refresh your memory, a year and six months ago a very large amount of drugs went missing." As the man spoke more large men came out from the shadows. "Right around that time, something else went missing. You. It would stand to reason that you were the one who stole the drugs. And the fireheads don't take kindly to stealing. "
"It wasn't me."
"We've been looking for you ever sense. But because you used to be one of us, they are giving you a warning. Pay back the money for the drugs or else." He didn't need to say what else, Lucas already knew.
Glancing to the side, Lucas saw the men on either side starting to get closer. Unconsciously his other hand reached out to protect Eunwoo.
"I swear I never took the drugs." Lucas tried to reason, but the look on the man's face he knew there was no point. His best chance was to grab Eunwoo and run but even then it wasn't likely they could escape.  Eyes glancing left and right, he still looked for an opening.
From behind him there was a noise and he tried to turn around keeping Eunwoo behind him, but he was too late. Her hands were being ripped from his as she struggled and shouted. "Let go of me you asshats!"
Lucas glared at the man who held Eunwoo and his fists clenched at his sides, ready for a fight.
"Don't Lucas. I can tell you care for her. Don't be the reason we have to break her leg, or worse." Despite his words which were attempting sincerity, the man's face lit up into a grin. He was begging Lucas to do something rash, to give him any excuse to exact torment upon Eunwoo.
Lucas turned back to the leader of the group, "Do your worst to me, but I need your word that you won't touch her."
From behind him Lucas could hear Eunwoo shouting and then the sound became muffled. He glanced back to see one of the men had his beefy hand over her mouth.
The sight made him enraged but he couldn't do anything other than stand there, an apology meant just for her in his eyes that he couldn't do more.
As he turned back a fist connected with his stomach, forcing him to double over.
"Do what you need to boys, remember this is a warning and it will only get worse next time Lucas. Next time, we'll lock her," he pointed at Eunwoo, "in a room with Monster and let him do what he wants." With those words the man spun on his heels and walked out of the light.
Lucas couldn't watch anymore as both of his arms were grabbed. He was forced to his knees and his eyes looked up at the man who would deliver the 'warning'.
The man pulled back his fist and swung. His fist connected with Lucas' jaw and sent his head whipping to the side. Before he could recover the man had ahold the front of his shirt and was punching him again, and again. They all let go and Lucas almost thought that was it, but then the kicking started. It came from all directions. All he could do was curl up and protect his head from their onslaught.
In the distance he could hear Eunwoo shouting again but her words were lost in the pain. In the avalanche of pain that buried him and blocked everything else out.
He didn't remember when they stopped kicking, he must have passed out but the sound of Eunwoo's voice next to him pulled him to the surface of consciousness. Was she crying? Was she hurt?
Panicked, Lucas' eyes flashed open, or at least he tried too. Blood was running down his brow and into his eye. He tried to sit up and look at her. His whole body protested at the motion and he couldn't quite get all the way up without Eunwoo's help. But soon his eyes focused on her and looked her over carefully.
"Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" He asked clutching at his side and trying not to grimace in pain.
She spoke as her hands fluttered over his face, pushing his hair back. "Lucas, you're bleeding. We need to get you home."
"Eunwoo are you hurt?" Lucas tried to speak with more force, he didn't want her to worry about him if anything had happened to her.
"No they didn't hurt me." Eunwoo tried to stop crying but the more she looked at Lucas the more the tears flowed.
He grunted and turned his body, spitting out the blood that had collected in his mouth. The light above their head flickered in the night. Lucas turned over with Eunwoo's help so that he was on all fours. Once there he couldn't do much other than gasp as his whole body ached and throbbed. He wanted to look at what damage was there but he couldn't let Eunwoo see.
Slowly, Lucas put one foot forward then used that leverage to stand, groaning as he tried to stand straight.
Eunwoo had ahold of his arm and slung it over her shoulders.
"I can walk by myself." Lucas took his arm back but a soon as he took a step on his own, his knees buckled and he fell back down.
"Lucas!" Eunwoo rushed forward to help him up and this time Lucas let her. Leaning on her, they started the rest of the way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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