chapter two

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When Doyoung woke up, he had a massive headache. That's what he got for drinking without eating anything. Slowly as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, the events of last night came back to him.

            He sat up and grabbed for his phone but there weren't any new messages.

            Without the headache, Doyoung could have almost convinced himself that it had only been a dream. How could such a night have happened?

            Doyoung swept his feet out of bed and stood, stretching. Today was filled with activities including practice, vocal lessons, and a comeback show later. He didn't really have time to be worrying if the cute boy he met last night was going to text him.

            The soft padding of his feet against the hard word floor was the only sound in the apartment. It was still pretty early and none of the other members seemed to be out of their rooms yet. Doyoung made his way to the kitchen through squinted eyes. The sun was just rising and sunshine peeked through the living room window. 

            "You got back so late I didn't think I'd see you until thirty minutes into practice."

            Doyoung felt all his muscles contract momentarily at the sound of Taeyong's voice. His eyes darted around to find the source and settled on Taeyong's form huddled in one of the armchairs, reading something on his phone. Of course he was already up, he always was up before everyone else.

            "Jeez, don't scare me like that." Placing a hand over his heart, Doyoung tried to get it to slow back down. "It's way too early for jump scares. Plus, my head is hurting far too much to let me get much more sleep."

            Taeyong didn't look up from his phone as he spoke, "Did you go out drinking last night? With who?"

            "Yeah, I was out. Just with some guys I met." Doyoung turned and started to make himself some breakfast.

            Just as he finished buttering his toast there was three small dings from his pocket. Shoveling the toast into his mouth he reached for his phone.

        Unknown Number
             It's Jungwoo. We met
             last night.
             I really hope this isn't
             a fake number.

            Just as he had gotten his heart to return to its normal pace, these three short messages sent it back into a tizzy. In his surprise he swallowed his half chewed bread, which got stuck in his throat and his body started to try to cough it up.

            He could feel Taeyong stand up and come to his side, patting his back to help dislodge the bread.

            It was only a moment before Doyoung felt the bread unstick and his breathing become easier again.

            "Are you okay man?" Taeyong's face was etched with concern.

            "Yeah fine, I'm just gonna go sit down." Slipping under Taeyong's arm, Doyoung hurried to the couch. His phone was clutched to his chest, away from Taeyong's prying eyes.

            Doyoung sat down and read the messages again. He needed to reply. Should he play along or answer him?

                   Man, that's a good idea.
                   I'll have to try it next time.
                   Sadly it's just me here.

            Quickly, Doyoung went to his contacts and added Jungwoo. There was a soft ding followed by two more in quick succession.

       Cutie J
             Oh no not sad!
             I'm very glad it's you!

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