Chapter 1

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I wandered down the isolated streets of London, like I do every Friday night, just to have a break from my life for a split second. When my brain is torturing me too much by overthinking, I just take a walk to nowhere in particular, just somewhere where I can loosen up for a while before going home to my secluded, vacant, environment that I don't like to call home, it simply hasn't felt like home for a while now, ever since my life started to crumble into nothingness.

I wasn't always this pessimistic, it started two months ago, when my wonderful, typical teenage girl life started to shatter.

I was usually the cheery, carefree girl that never got into trouble at school, I wasn't a goody good, like you might think. I did have my fair share of parties and let's just say, I was pretty normal. I was a bit too optimistic to tell you the truth. I never believed that there were bad things in the world, one day changed all that.

I looked up at the gloomy dark sky once more before sitting down at a park bench and shed some tears like I do every night since that shocking, grim day happened this day, two months ago, my life hasn't been the same since.

My white iPhone suddenly began to vibrate uncontrollably in my skinny jean pocket, not many people text or ring me since that unspoken day, because I became an outcast and antisocial.

So, you can guess why I was utterly surprised when it started to vibrate.

I took it out of my pocket carefully and slid my finger across the touch screen to unlock it.

It was a text, from my ex, Dan. 

I was startled to see that he was texting me and plus the fact that he broke up with me the same day my older brother died.

Yes, this is what happened that dreaded Friday night, two months ago.

My older brother was only nineteen, the poor thing.

I don't like to talk about how he died, anyway, I opened the text as curiosity took over me.

It read;

From: Dan 

Do you want to meet for coffee?

Was he actually serious?  

My blood is literally boiling, after all he put me through, he thinks I would gladly go to coffee with him.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes repeatedly, they wouldn't stop.

I considered texting him back, to give him a piece of my mind, he is so oblivious to my feelings. Jerk.

I started tapping my iPhone furiously until the message came out like this.

To: Dan -.-

You must be seriously delusional if you think that there is any chance whatsoever that I would meet you of all people for a coffee. Do me a favour and delete my number.

I sighed, locked my phone and stuffed it into my pocket. I sniffled once more before wiping away the stray tears that were soaking my cheek.

I grabbed my long brown hair and ran my hands through it trying to make it half decent, I put it up in a pony tail and started walking down the street again, it was nearing midnight and London is not a place you want to be at midnight. Frightening things can happen.

As I trudged down the muddy path in my neighbourhood, I couldn't hear anything but the sound of my feet stomping on the glistening puddles of water that drenched my three year old lace up black boots.

I wasn't the fearless, brave type either so when I had to walk in the dark most nights with no older brother or caring boyfriend to protect me, it was tough and I would be very panicky. I have a mum and a dad but I don't care for them, I live with them because I'm not legally an adult, I'm seventeen so I have to deal with my parents.

I reached the front of the house that I once called home, it looked so dark, cold and mysterious. Unlike before when it looked cosy, warm and friendly. I slowly walked up to the front door, put my hand on the door handle and opened the white front door.

My mum was standing at the bottom of the staircase with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at me. Welcome to my loving family.

"Where have you been?" My mother's annoying monotone voice echoed throughout the house.

I ignored her as I took off my boots and hung up my coat on the hook. I stroll into the kitchen to find my father sipping his expresso and watching a boring documentary.

"Hello Serenity," I was surprised he actually acknowledged my existence, he usually subtly nods his head in my direction.

I stopped in my tracks as I was about to open the fridge to get something to eat, I turn around on my heel and scan him, nope, he looks pretty normal to me. Not drunk, as I had thought. I merely waved and turned back around to the place where we store our food. I picked some cheese on crackers and a glass of apple juice.

I devoured my food in less than five minutes and gulped down my juice.

I started scrubbing the dishes and noticed my grey nail polish begin to chip off, to any normal person this wouldn't bother them but nail polish reminded me too much of my brother because when we were juvenile he used to try and paint my nails, which always turned out as chaos for my poor finger nails. I sound like a right nutter, but it's true.

I dried the dishes and put them away into the cream cupboards and ran up the fluffy stair case, not even bothering to say goodnight as I was afraid of the outcome, I don't like being ignored and I was sure they would refuse to witness my presence.

I lightly jogged up the stairs and walked down the hall to my bedroom, anyone could tell it was mine because it was the only door painted purple.

I opened the door and walked in to be greeted by the familiar smell of lavender and mint, sometimes I enjoyed the smell but other times it disgusted me.

I tripped on my way over to my closet so I was hobbling over and I opened the closet door and took out a plain green vest top and black pyjama bottoms. I ran to the bathroom which is situated in the hallway across from my parents room.

I locked the bathroom door as I walked in and turned myself to face the mirror hanging over the bathroom sink, I had to touch my face softly to make sure that the reflection of the girl in the mirror was me. It certainly did not look like me, that was a positive.

My long brown wavy hair was in a pony tail from earlier but my hair looked lifeless and limp. My face was flushed and my ice cold blue-grey eyes looked confused and lost, not to mention the bags under my eyes.

I scrubbed my face with some water and quickly got dressed into my pyjamas, I walked into my room and was surprised to see my mother sitting on the pink quilt, which belonged to my bed.

"Can I talk to you?" My mum questioned as she looked at me wearily.

"Erm, okay?" I mumbled, clearly confused as to why she wanted to talk to me as she hasn't shown that she cared much at all for me lately.

I sat down beside her and she began,"My friend Anne from Uni is coming to stay with us for a while and her son Harry. Is that okay?" I really couldn't care less who my mum invites to the house, it's not like I'll end up being friends with them.

"I don't mind." I answered dully.

My mum frowned at me, she was expecting a little bit more enthusiasm, I'm guessing. Was she here at all the past two months?

I gave her a weak smile as she got up off my uncomfortable bed and walked out the door.

I got under my covers and switched off my light.

I wonder what this Harry fellow will be like? Will he be like everyone else who think I'm abnormal, who can blame them? I became a social wreck once my life came crashing down like a meteor.

Harry, prepare to be greeted by Serenity's messed up life, I thought to myself as I drifted into a state of unconsciousness.

What does everyone think. I've been told that I need to demand comments or else I won't upload, this sounds a tad harsh but comment or there will be no update beautifuls. Vote too ;D

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