Chapter 5

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I actually found the time to write this during school and homework, I thought I'd have to wait until the weekend but here I am, I hope it's okay, tell me if you had any problems or anything with this chapter. Oh, and my sister read about a line of it and she said and I quote, "There are so many big words." Yeah, okay. I'm not sure if you can understand the descriptive words I'm using but if you can't then ask me or I'm sure you'll find it in the dictionary! :)

Chapter 5 - Dreamer

"That is so not funny Harry." I argued whilst Harry laughed his heart out.

"Oh come on, you have to admit it was a little funny," Harry finally says as his breathing becomes normal again.

I roll my eyes, you see Harry thought it would be a great idea to walk through a muddy, slippery field filled with puddles. Of course I disagreed but after a while of bickering, Harry won because I can't resist those green eyes. I need to shut up. I'm talking like a lovesick fifteen year old. Anyway, when we were climbing the gate, I accidentally slipped and lost ahold of the metal bar and fell on my bum in a nauseatingly vulgar swamp of mud.

From the top of my thigh all the way up to my back is absolutely covered in dirt. Harry thought this was hilarious, as I nearly cried because we still had to walk through London and I had no money to buy new clothes.

Harry gave me his hoodie, which I gladly took and I found that it covered most of my bum so you can't see the mud as much.

We were now treading down a hill of restaurants looking for a basic café to get a quick snack.

I was ambling alongside Harry down the foot path and I felt something grasp my hand, I flinched at the touch but then realised it was Harry. He had grabbed my hand. We are holding hands. Oh my God.

I smiled awkwardly at Harry as we began to swing our hands back and forth between us.

"Look! How about there?" I say excitedly as I point to a cute little coffee shop.

Harry looks at me with his eyes sparkling, with excitement, amusement, joy and something I can't quite put my finger on, but I'm going to find out. "That looks perfect." Harry announces as we skip over to the café across the street.

Harry pulls the door open and we are welcomed inside by a man about the age of twenty. "Hello, my name is Jarleth. I will be your waiter for this evening. May I take your coats?" The kind man asks. Wow, this place looks small on the outside but it is amazingly fancy on the inside.

"I think I'll keep this on, I.. erm.. I.." I stumbled over my words because I didn't want the extremely wealthy people to see my mucky clothes.

"She has a cold and is extremely chilly. She has to keep it on, doctors orders." Harry tells the man, Harry to the rescue. I squeezed his hand and Jarleth nodded and sauntered away to the kitchen, most likely to get his notepad.

Harry takes me over to a booth at the back of the packed coffee shop and we both sit on the same side, I take the menu and look up at the same time Harry does. "Thank you Harry," I say as I look up from the menu and lean over and kiss his cheek.

Harry blushes and looks down, "It's my fault it happened and my mother raised me a gentleman." I smiled at him and he returned it with his dimples showing, for once in a long time I felt generally happy.

Jarleth jogged over to our table with his notepad and pen and asks, "what would you like to order, mam?"

I glance at my menu once before knowing exactly what I want.

"I'll have the nachos and a latté with extra whipped cream." I say with a smile.

"I'll have a treacle scone with black tea, one sugar." Harry inquires with a smile too. Once the waiter left Harry turned to me and said, "nachos hmm?"

I blushed, stupid Serenity. He probably thinks I eat a lot of calories now, I should've ordered a garden salad and water.

"Erm, it's my favourite." I say quietly as I pick my nails and look at Harry out of the corner of my eye, who's smirking.

"I love Mexican food too it's just, I never thought to order it in an English styled café." Harry smirks and ruffles my hair.

I glare at him and scan the room for anyone I might recognise. Chubby lady gawking at a picture of her dog. Check. Two little fifteen year olds on a date. Check. An old man reading the local newspaper. Check.

Basically, anyone you could think of was here.

My eyes lingered on the preteen couple a little longer, that was Dan and I when we were that old, we were so in love. Cuddling all the time, we'd go to the park and just lie down on the grass and snuggle up to each other.

I never noticed I was softly crying until Harry gently wiped a tear away from my eye, "Serenity.." Harry drifts off quietly.

"Just leave it Harry." I snap, I don't know if I'm ready to tell him yet. I look away from his heart broken eyes and gaze at my shoes, they're just simple grey ankle boots, about four years old.

Jarleth walks over to our table and places the tray of glorious food in front of me, as I was about to eat I hear Harry sigh, he's giving up on me already. Okay, it's the moment of truth.

"Harry?" I whisper as I lace my fingers back with his as he looks into my blue-grey eyes.

"Erm, well you see.. the reason I don't have a life.. erm well there's a reason.. well.. I," I was interrupted when an all to familiar voice yelled my name across the coffee shop.

My eyes widened, "Harry. I need you to kiss me right now. Don't ask why! Just do it." I whisper frustratedly.

Harry has a look of confusion in his eye but also a look of happiness.

It happened, just like I dreamt it would. Just not for the reason I would like it to happen. I begged him to kiss me so a certain someone wouldn't come near me. Harry kissed me and I have to admit his lips tasted amazing. They just felt perfect as they smashed together with mine.

I pulled away reluctantly, grabbed ahold of Harry's soft hands and ran for my life with Dan calling after me.

By now, Harry and I were sprinting through the rain away from Dan, laughing our heads off, not thinking of the consequences. Just living in the moment.

When we were about a mile away from that street, it started to get dark and Harry looked down and smiled at me, "I can explain." I whisper.

Harry looks away from me for a moment and I whispered, "I.." Harry turned his head back around to face me and crushed his lips against mine once against mine, this time I didn't even ask him to.

I smile into the kiss as our lips move in-sync and the rain batters against our heads, soaking us from head to toe.

I feel Harry smile into the kiss as he swirls me around and around, not breaking the kiss once. Not giving a damn about the rain or that our parents will be worried about us. Nothing mattered at this moment, except us.

Eeeeeeeh, IT HAPPENED! They kissed! :) Oh my God guys, am I the only one who pretended I was Serenity during this chapter just to be able to kiss Harry Styles? Haha, the next chapter will have a lot of drama hopefully hehe. What'd you all think? :D

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