Love Drug

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Here's another update

Bakugo's P.O.V

Then Kiri yelled back, "Baekhyun?!", wait do they know each other??.

I heard Baekhyun ask him "well it's about time you came".

I heard Kiri yell "Where is he?!" then Kaito told him "oh baby don't worry".

Kiri yelled back "Im not yours!!". I decided it was enough and to yell for him.

"Shitty hair!!" I yelled for him. Rin  yelled at me to shut up but it was to late, Kirishima came running in here and yelled "babe!!".

Baekhyun walked in and told Kiri "back away or he will get hurt", will they actually hurt me?

"Sit in the chair now!!" Kaito came into the room and yelled at Kiri.

Eijiro sat in the chair and they tied him up and I yelled at them "Leave him alone!!".

Baekhyun looked back at me and yelled at me "Shut up or he gets it!" I decided to stop talking.

Rin spoke up and said "You should've never been a bad boy Kiri" he looked at him.

Kiri asked him "bad boy?", I was confused too, but I spoke up and said "He hasn't been anything but a nice and sweet boyfriend to me".

Kaito looked at me and yelled "He is not your boyfriend!!", Kiri looked taken aback but yelled back "Yes I am!!".

Baekhyun started to walk over to me and kissed me.

I didn't kiss back, but I turned my head so he couldn't do it no more.

He spoke to me "Aww baby, what wrong?", I looked at him in disgust and was going so say something but go interrupted by Kirishima.

"Baekhyung why are you doing this?!" Kiri yelled at him.

Kaito yelled back and said "Shut up!!".

Baekhyung looked at Rin and asked him "Rin will you go get the drugs and beer?". He's going to drug me?!?!

Rin said "yes, be right back, let me go get them from the kitchen". He walked out the room.

Kaito looked back at Kiri and said "before anything happens to your precious boy toy", Kaito kissed him, but Kiri turned his head away.

"Your all fucking liars, Your all nothing but-!!" He got cut off but Baekhyun's hand slapping him across the face.

Baekhyun said "Dont you ever say that again" with an angry expression.

I stared to tear up and spit out "Why are you doing this to us?!".

"Well this boy you call yours, he cheated on my best friend with me!" he said to me.

Kiri spoke up and said "Rin is a psycho!!".

Right on cue Rin came back in with the drugs a bottle of beer and a cup.

Rin gave everything to Baekhyun, and he pours the beer into the cup, then puts the drugs in as well.

I started feeling scared, but then Baekhyun looked at me and said "Bakugo, you are to drink all of this right now or he gets it!".

I said "how am I supposed to grab it?!" with an angry tone.

He came over to me and said "I will give it to you, now open you mouth and drink!!" he yelled.

I gave up and opened my mouth, he pours in the drink and I swallow.

After a few minutes I started feeling dizzy and sick but funny.

Kirishima yelled "What did you do to him?!" and Baekhyun just replied with "its payback time!".

Baekhyun kissed me and I started feeling funny but kissed back. It felt so wrong but right at the same time.

He pulled from the kiss.

Kiri yelled again "What did you do to him?!".

Baekhyun said "what does it look like?", "He drugged Bakugo" Kaito said. Rin agreed.

Kiri yelled again "What drug?!".

Baekhyun looked at him and said "Dont worry its only a love drug".

"Why?!?" Kiri yelled.

Baekhyun ignored and asked Kaito "Kaito give me the condom". I jumped at the words.

Kirishima yelled again "Noooo!!!!".

"Baby" I said to Baekhyun.

Kiri said "Im right here baby!!". I looked at him confused.

Baekhyun said "Put it away, we won't need it, yet". "Ok" Kaito said.

"Its your payback time" Baekhyun said and turned back to me. He got on top of me and kissed me, I kissed back.

"Baekhyun, I love you, I want you" I said to him.

"I want you too Bakugo" he said back to me.

Kiri yelled at us "Noooo!!!". Kaito said "Its your own punishment" to him.

Baekhyun rips my shirt off and kisses my abdomen, "I love you so much" I said to him.

It feels like I woke up, but I'm still dizzy, "I love you too" I hear Baekhyun say. I look down and see him on top of me with my shirt off.

"Get the fuck off of me!!" I scream at him.

"Awee the drug wore off, we were having such a great time" he said with a smirk on his face.

I see Kiri starting to break loose from the ropes. "Leave me alone!!" I yelled at them.

Baekhyun looks over at Kiri and sees him trying to escape. "Are you sure you want to do that?" He asked Kiri.

To be continued

What will Baekhyun do to Kirishima?

Will Kiri and Bakugo escape??

Find out in the next chapter..
This is just a filler chapter, also sorry for putting Bakugo through that idk lol but yea see ya guys and don't forget to vote :)
This chap. Was 909 words.

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