Chapter 8

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The group of four entered the inn and immediately began arguing over who was going to pay for it. This time Guo Jia was the one who managed to quickly sneak away from the group and pay for the room. He looked at everyone in triumph and they all looked down in shame before quietly following Guo Jia to the room where they would be staying. When Guo Jia opened the door, everyone was surprised to see that there were only three beds in the room. Much to Xun Yu's dismay, everyone turned to look at him with expectant looks, and a blush settled on his cheeks. Guo Jia smirked, while Xiahou Dun just blankly stared.

"Looks like two of us will have to share a bed." Guo Jia stated nonchalantly.

Immediately after saying that, Guo Jia and Xiahou Dun exclaimed "not it" while high fiving each other. Xun Yu shyly looked down at the floor, his face turned an even more vibrant shade of red. Xun Yu couldn't afford to let anyone find out that he enjoyed and felt comfortable sleeping with their Lord last night, lest he become the subject of endless jokes from Guo Jia. When Xun Yu finally looked up, he noticed that Cao Cao was giving him an understanding, almost compassionate, look, and Xun Yu immediately returned his gaze to the floor. Why was his heart doing that weird thing again?

Xiahou Dun then suggested that the group went out to eat before it got any later. Everyone agreed with his idea and they exited the inn to go and find a nearby restaurant. The group engaged in lively conversation as they set off to find somewhere to eat. Everyone except Xun Yu engaged in the conversation, and he tagged along at the back of the group. He thought of himself as awkward in crowds, and, because of that, he didn't want to engage in their conversation. Besides, he was fine with being alone, especially when his friends looked like they were having a good time. Cao Cao, however, noticed that Xun Yu was alone at the back of the group, and he immediately stopped his conversation with Guo Jia and Xiahou Dun to join Xun Yu.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cao Cao asked, watching as the meek Xun Yu nodded his head "yes."

The ruler slightly smiled. "If I know anything about you, my precious heart, then I can assume that Guo Jia's actions have upset you." Xun Yu blushed and Cao Cao wrapped an arm around his waist. He was thankful for the surrounding darkness. "If you are worried about our images being tarnished by rumors, don't be. People will always say what they want to say, it doesn't matter if it is based on truth or not, but they will say anything to hurt others. I don't care what others think of me. If loving you means being ridiculed, then so be it, but please don't be sad. I can take anything else, but I can't handle seeing you sad. So please, try to cheer up."

Xun Yu blushed and rested his head on Cao Cao's shoulder. Why is he so good at making my heart want to burst through my chest? "Okay, I will try." He replied weakly. He knew that he wouldn't be able to do it.

When the group approached the light of a restaurant, Cao Cao and Xun Yu quickly separated before Guo Jia and Xiahou Dun turned around to ask them if the restaurant would be fine. Everyone was starving, so they quickly replied "yes," and the group of four walked into the establishment. The restaurant looked very busy despite the late hour. Several people were seated and eating, on occasion they would talk about whatever came to mind.

"Greetings. How many?" A waitress asked.

"Four." Guo Jia replied.

"Booth or table?" The lady inquired.

"Whatever you have available." Xiahou Dun gushed as his stomach growled while Guo Jia looked around to see if there were any open seats – there were none that he could see.

The lady left and returned a few moments later to escort them to the only seating arrangement they had available. It was a table with two large benches on either side, and Xun Yu sighed in relief, thankful that Guo Jia couldn't make a joke about him and Cao Cao. Xun Yu's nerves started to bother him again and Cao Cao gave his hand a light, reassuring squeeze. He's so nice to me, and I really like him. But why can't I give him a chance? I'm too worried about what others will think. I am a fool. I don't deserve him anyway. Xiahou Dun and Guo Jia sat down on one side, making sure to put an adequate amount of space between themselves, while Xun Yu and Cao Cao sat on the other. A minute later a different waitress came over to their table and asked the group what they wanted to drink. Everyone said water, and she walked away to get it.

"Okay, let's go ahead and get this out of the way. How are we paying for this? I think we should split it equally – each of us pays for what we order. Agreed?" Xiahou Dun stated, and everyone nodded in agreement.

The group then quietly talked about how they were going to handle Bixie and the ghosts of Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu when they made it to Luoyang. Guo Jia and Xiahou Dun explained what they would do first, then they asked Xun Yu what he would do. Xun Yu then casually stated that he would destroy the souls of Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu by using the secret technique he mentioned back in Xuchang before adding that he would trap Bixie in a magical barrier and curse him to explode. His explanation caused the others to stare at him in disbelief, and he began to grow uncomfortable. He shifted his attention to their Lord and asked him how he would deal with the situation.

Cao Cao momentarily sat there in thought before speaking. "My method is nowhere near as impressive as everyone else's, but I would try to help the one with the most plausible idea carry out their plan. And right now, Xun Yu's plan seems like the one that carries a higher success rate, so I would do anything to help him."

His answer was so simple, but Xun Yu liked the simplicity of it. He liked knowing that Cao Cao was capable of humbling himself and working with others to achieve a goal. The group sat in silence amid the bustling restaurant after that, and no one dared to speak. After they finished their meals, each of them paid for what they ordered and exited the restaurant. As the group quietly walked back to the inn, a young boy appeared out of thin air.

"Father!" The small, young boy exclaimed as he ran up to Cao Cao and hugged him.

"Chong er?" The ruler asked in disbelief as his arms instinctively wrapped around the boy.

Impossible! That's our Lord's son, Cao Chong. He died a few years ago, and I remember how devastated our Lord was when his sweet, young son died. He loved him very much. But how is he here now, and what's going on? This can't be good.

"You, I remember you," The boy said happily, smiling as he pointed at Xun Yu. "You're Xun Yu, the man who would always hang out with Father. You were so nice to me, and you smelled like the sweetest of flowers. I can see why Father likes you."

Guo Jia and Xiahou Dun quietly laughed at the embarrassed looks that Cao Cao and Xun Yu had on their faces.

"Uh, Chong er, I think it's nap time. You are tired and your mother is calling you." Cao Cao stated as Guo Jia and Xiahou Dun burst out laughing at the obvious lie.

"Oh no, you're right. I better go now. Bye Father, bye Xun Yu!" The cheerful boy said, waving as he faded into the night.

Cao Cao face palmed. That was embarrassing.

"I'm not sure if what we just saw was truly my son, but, even if it wasn't, that was still embarrassing. I'm sorry about that, Xun Yu." The ruler stated, feeling awkward as Guo Jia and Xiahou Dun howled with laughter. The encounter honestly disturbed the Lord and startled him to the core because he thought that he would never get to see his beloved son again. The encounter caused him to sink into a deep melancholy as he remembered his son's slow, painful death at the hands of illness.

"There's no need for you to apologize. It's okay." Xun Yu replied, giving his sad-faced Lord a sympathetic look. He is in pain. I have to try and comfort him in some way. Even if others were around, he would stop at nothing until I felt better, so why can't I do the same for him? Xun Yu gently touched his Lord's arm, causing the man to look up with sad eyes that lacked luster. "I know how much you love and care about Chong er, so his appearance must have startled you, especially since you haven't seen him in many years. I may never be able to fully understand your pain, but I will always be here if you need someone to listen or a shoulder to cry on. Seeing you sad makes me feel... weird, and I want to help you feel better."

What Xun Yu said surprised Cao Cao. He was shocked that the man before him managed to say how he felt, and the ruler felt himself swell with pride for the man who was slowly getting better at expressing himself. Because of his pride for Xun Yu's self-expression, the ruler briefly forgot about his sadness and gently took Xun Yu's hand in his as the group walked back to the inn. 

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