Chapter 33

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~~~ Hey guys, I am sorry about the long wait for this chapter. I do not feel that comfortable with my writing and I have been busy with classes, but I wanted to put this chapter out here anyway in case someone wanted to read more of this story. There are more chapters coming, but there will be a slight wait for them as well. 

I am sorry for making you wait if you like this story, but thank you very much for continuing to read this story. It means a lot to me that someone takes the time to read this and hopefully enjoy it. Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. ~~~

Not wanting to interfere with them or disobey his orders, Xiahou Dun bowed to them both and quickly walked away to get started on his task. Sensing that they were finally alone, and that no one was nearby, Cao Cao wasted no time in telling Xun Yu his plan.

"I want to send someone to find Yuan Shao's hideout in Guandu. Do you have recommendations for who would be suitable for the task?" Cao Cao inquired.

Xun Yu hesitated a few moments before answering. He could easily think of a few people that would be perfect for the task, but he did not want to risk sending them into harms way; however, despite that, he still told the man his thoughts on the matter.

"With the distribution of supplies to the people, the area should be much safer and more supportive of our cause; therefore, it is recommended that you consider sending Xun You, Guo Jia, or Jia Xu. The three of them are all capable individuals, but whoever my Lord chooses to send is a wise choice." Xun Yu replied as he bowed respectfully to the man.

Cao Cao smiled and resisted the urge to chuckle. He found it cute and amusing that Xun Yu chose to return to the façade that he displayed before they became closer than friends.

"It appears that you have reverted back to your previous mannerisms, but I can't complain. Very well, I will send Xun You. He is perfect for this task because he rarely causes drama, he is usually reserved and quiet, and it would be good for him to get outside since he never leaves his office. Yes, he should do fine. Thank you for your suggestion Xun Yu." Cao Cao stated.

He was still uncertain about how he should feel in regards to Xun Yu's sudden change in behavior, but he couldn't deny that it did have a certain charm to it. As much as I love the serious Xun Yu, I hope that I didn't upset him. Maybe I can ask him why he has changed personalities...

"It is an honor, my Lord." Xun Yu answered, still not moving from his bowed position.

"Wenruo, while I do love your cold, serious nature," Cao Cao began. He used a hand to make it so that the man could not avoid eye contact, and he crouched down so that they were eye level. "Tell me, why did you suddenly change your personality?"

Xun Yu's eyes widened slightly with shock, and he blushed as he was forced to make eye contact with the man. Xun Yu, who was suddenly lost in thought, yelped in shock when he noticed that the man was close to his face.

"Wenruo?" Cao Cao questioned. He was growing increasingly concerned about the man's recent behavior.

"S-Sorry about that," Xun Yu stuttered nervously. "But it would not be beneficial to you or this kingdom if I acted carefree and cheerful all the time. This situation is one in which I must revert back to my serious nature."

Xun Yu uttered the words so quickly that he forgot to take in a breath of air, and he struggled to breathe properly as Cao Cao gazed at him in a way that made him feel confused. Why is he looking at me like that? Xun Yu thought to himself. Did I say something weird?

"Mm, you're so cute," Cao Cao muttered quietly to himself. "Wenruo, don't say things like that. It makes me think that you doubt your worth, and I don't want you to feel that way. You are precious to me, no matter how you choose to act, and you are more than worthy of being here. This kingdom prospers because of you, and I am honored to be able to call you mine."

Xun Yu's face blushed crimson, and he averted his gaze as he fought with himself. What is this weird feeling? I feel strangely happy that he called me his, but I don't understand why that makes me feel happier than usual.

Xun Yu tried to look at the man's face, but that only ended up confusing him even more. He looked at the man with a confused gaze that resembled an innocent puppy, and Cao Cao laughed and pat the man's head.

"You're so cute," Cao Cao said softly as he gazed at the man with eyes full of love and affection. "You're such a good boy, you deserve the world."

Looking into the man's affectionate eyes and listening to his smooth voice made that strange feeling build up inside of Xun Yu again, and he was still unsure as to why it kept happening. Do I like it when he is possessive of me? Xun Yu thought to himself. Ew, that sounds perverted. Bad mind, stop thinking dirty.

Xun Yu whimpered out of fear for his unclean thoughts, and he gazed at the ground as his cheeks once again turned a vibrant shade of red. Xun Yu was fairly certain that Cao Cao heard the awkward sound that he made and would make a perverted joke about it, but, much to his surprise, the joke never came.

"It's getting cold out. You must be freezing. Come on, let's go inside before you get sick." Cao Cao stated gently.

Xun Yu was unused to the man behaving in this way, and he turned to look at him in confusion only to see that the man was extending a hand to him to help him up. Xun Yu took the man's hand, and the two soon began quietly walking back to Cao Cao's room; however, at this point, it was a known fact that the two shared the room.

Xun Yu found the silence that accompanied them comforting. It gave him time to think about things, and it gave him time to enjoy Cao Cao's presence without any other distractions. At this moment he felt like everything was at peace, and he couldn't help but smile as a wave of exhaustion washed over him.

After walking for a few minutes, the two made it safely back to their room, and Xun Yu crawled into bed feeling overwhelmingly tired. Cao Cao, who noticed that the man was extremely tired, carefully tucked him in and affectionately ruffled his hair.

"Goodnight Wenruo, sleep well. I will be back after I tell Xun You about his task, okay?" Cao Cao whispered softly before giving the man a quick kiss on the forehead.

Xun Yu nodded and fell asleep shortly after that. Cao Cao then quietly exited the room and closed the door before starting in the direction of Xun You's room. When he got there, he knocked on the door and patiently waited for the man to answer it.

Xun You quietly walked to the door after hearing the knock and slowly opened it, but he could only gaze in shock as he saw the form of Cao Cao standing before him. He immediately bowed and tried to control his nerves, but he felt as though he was failing miserably when he looked down at his shaking hands.

"Greetings my Lord, how can this servant be of service to you?" Xun You inquired, as he stepped aside for the man to enter.

"That won't be necessary," Cao Cao stated, declining Xun You's invitation to step inside the room. "I have a task that is suitable for your skills. Yuan Shao has been causing quite a mess, and I have discovered that he is located somewhere in Guandu. I need you to go there and find out what he is planning. Please, I would greatly appreciate it if you did this." Cao Cao said.

Xun You knew that the man wanted him to leave tomorrow despite not directly saying it; however, he was still in shock that he was standing before his Lord at such a late hour.

"I will set out for Guandu early tomorrow." Xun You replied quietly.

"Thank you for agreeing to this task on such short notice, and please report back to me once your objective is complete." Cao Cao stated quietly before turning and walking back to his room.

Xun You watched the man's retreating form with a look of profound astonishment on his face. He couldn't believe what he had just heard, and he felt completely awestruck by it. Did he just say please?

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