Chapter 12 - Secrets Are Still Hidden

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Xun Yu's eyes fluttered open as bright, morning light streamed in through the window. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the light, he looked around the room, and he quickly realized that this wasn't his room. In fact, he didn't know where he was. He was laying in a bed that he didn't recognize, and, despite how comfortable it was, Xun Yu tried to sit up and get away; however, he was surprised when someone gently pushed him back down on the bed.

"Wenruo, you shouldn't move around too much. The doctor ordered me to keep you still for three days after you woke up."

Xun Yu didn't even have to look. He knew who the voice belonged to, it was his favorite voice to hear, and it belonged to his favorite person.

"Where are we? And how did we get here?" Xun Yu asked curiously. The room was too nice and neat to be a hospital room, but it was only sparsely decorated. Three bookshelves lined the wall that was to the left of him, a bamboo plant was neatly placed in the corner beside them, a table sat facing the wall in front of him, and calligraphy scrolls were hung neatly on the wall that the desk faced. Oh no, don't tell me... I'm in his bed, aren't I?

"Don't freak out, but you're in my private quarters. I decided to bring you here after Bixie brought us back. I thought that it might help you rest better. How are you feeling?" Cao Cao inquired. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

Bixie brought us back... how strange. "How long have I been here?" Xun Yu asked, and when Cao Cao told him that three days had passed he found himself wanting to faint again; however, he knew that the only chance he had at escaping the situation was if he lied, so he decided to test his luck. "Oh, I am suddenly feeling much better now. Thank you for your concern. I should take my leave."

Xun Yu tried to get up so that he could go look for Guo Jia, but his legs wobbled from the effort it took. He was close to collapsing, but Cao Cao gently put him back on the bed and urged him to rest and relax; however, Xun Yu didn't like the idea of resting and relaxing, especially not when there was work to be done. Also, he didn't like the idea of laying around, bored to death, as Cao Cao watched over him like a hawk. He searched the man's face for some form of expression, but when their eyes met, Xun Yu quickly averted his gaze. This is so awkward. I can't even look at him normally when we're alone in the same room now. Curse him and that kiss we shared.

"Xun Yu," The ruler said softly. He knew that what he was going to say next would upset the workaholic in front of him, but he needed to let him know that things would be fine until he recovered. "I have decided to place Guo Jia in charge of your duties until you recover. For now, I want you to take it easy and refrain from putting your body under any stress. You may return to your duties once you full recover." Xun Yu looked at the man like he had spawned another head.

"You can't be serious! I refuse to lay around here and be a burden who can't even carry his own weight. I'm fine. Please my Lord, I beg you to reconsider!" Xun Yu gushed, he didn't like the idea of laying around while someone else did his work for him.

Cao Cao merely shook his head. "Guo Jia is also gifted in finances, and he has all ready agreed to fill in for you until you recover. Your health is more important to me than you foolishly trying to work when you are unable to – that's like asking for death. So please, be good and give your body a chance to recover." The Lord pet Xun Yu's head and gave him a weak smile. "Now, what do you want to eat?"

Xun Yu blushed out of embarrassment for his actions and because his Lord pet his head – he disliked how such a simple action was able to calm him down. He sighed happily before replying. "Yes, my Lord, you are right. Please forgive my outburst. And I will take anything, I'm starving."

Cao Cao retracted his hand and smiled at Xun Yu. "I will return in a few minutes. Please don't move, or I will be very upset." And with that Cao Cao exited the room, leaving Xun Yu alone with his thoughts and the four walls that surrounded him. Xun Yu's face suddenly paled as he thought of what his Lord could do, and he tried to push the thought out of his mind. Please don't put your dick in a box. Just please don't... Why am I even thinking this? I need help. Meanwhile, Guo Jia stopped Cao Cao, who was quickly walking to the cafeteria.

"My Lord, how is Xun Yu? Has he opened his eyes yet? I'm worried about him. I miss having my friend around." Guo Jia asked, noticing his Lord's tired eyes. He hasn't slept since Xun Yu passed out. He looks exhausted.

"He just opened his eyes a few minutes ago. He tried to stand up, and I had to put him back on the bed before he fell. He could seriously hurt himself. I wish I could talk more, but I have to hurry before he tries to stand on his own again. I'll talk to you later." The ruler replied as he quickly walked to the cafeteria.

When Cao Cao made it to the cafeteria, he looked at the vast array of food that they were serving, and he panicked because he was in such a hurry to get back to Xun Yu. He didn't want the man to try and stand, he wasn't supposed to do anything for three days. I have to hurry. Just grab some things. He grabbed two baozi, Biangbiang noodles, two scallion pancakes, and a cup of green tea. There we go. That seems like a balanced meal. It should help him feel better quicker. He put the cup, bowl, a pair of chopsticks, and two plates on a tray and quickly walked back to his room. He sighed in relief when he opened the door and saw that Xun Yu was still laying there. He happily glanced over at the Lord and smiled.

"I'm so glad you're back. I almost ran out of ways to entertain myself." Xun Yu stated.

Cao Cao chuckled and smiled at the adorable man. "Well, I am happy to be of service to you." Xun Yu blushed at his response, and the ruler sat down next to him on the bed. He grabbed the chopsticks and picked up a few noodles, offering them to Xun Yu.

"What are you doing?" Xun Yu asked, confused by his gesture.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to feed you." The ruler replied brightly. Noticing Xun Yu's skeptical look, the man decided to quickly add what he said next. "Doctor's orders." I just lied, but what he doesn't know will not hurt him.

Xun Yu sighed in defeat and resigned to his fate. He let Cao Cao feed him, and, odd enough, he didn't hate it. He thought it was sweet of him to put so much effort into caring for him, although he was pretty sure that the doctor did not tell him to hand feed him. He really does care, doesn't he? Xun Yu thought to himself. One bowl of noodles and one baozi later Xun Yu was stuffed, and couldn't eat any more; however, Cao Cao was insistent that he eat to regain his strength.

"Mengde, I'm full," Xun Yu said as he pushed a scallion pancake away. "But... can you pass me the tea? I am thirsty."

"Of course." The ruler carefully grabbed the cup of tea and handed it to Xun Yu. "Is there anything else you need?"

"No, not really. I'm fine." Xun Yu answered before slowly drinking the tea and placing the empty cup back on the tray.

Cao Cao then got up to return the tray to the cafeteria. He, once again, told Xun Yu to remain seated until he returned, and then he left. He wanted to get back to his precious heart as soon as possible, so he wouldn't be alone and bored; however, as he walked back to the cafeteria, Cao Cao couldn't help but feel that dark secrets lurked around every corner.

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