Chapter 27

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"Wenruo, will you please play a game with me?" Guo Jia inquired.

"A game? What kind of game?" Xun Yu cautiously asked. He knew how dirty his friend could be, and he didn't want to get involved if it was something perverted.

"Hide and seek! Hide and seek would be fine." Guo Jia gushed brightly.

"Well, I would gladly play with you," Xun Yu replied as a blush faintly formed on his cheeks. "But I don't know how."

Guo Jia looked at him in disbelief and chuckled.

"I should have expected that response from you. It's okay though, I can teach you. It's a really simple game, one person hides while the other tries to find them." Guo Jia replied, earning a confused look from Xun Yu. "If it will help, then I will let you choose if you want to hide or seek first."

"I guess I will seek? That sounds easier." Xun Yu stated.

Guo Jia smiled. He knew that Xun Yu would choose to be the seeker.

"Alright then, stay right here, close your eyes, and count to thirty. I will hide somewhere nearby, and you have to find me after you finish counting. Okay?" Guo Jia explained.

Xun Yu nodded to show that he understood, then he covered his eyes and started to count. Guo Jia grinned, happy that someone would finally play with him, and he tried to think of a spot where Xun Yu wouldn't have too much difficulty finding him. After all, he did not want the man to struggle and think that he had secretly left him alone.

Guo Jia's eyes surveyed the area and he considered every possible place that he could hide nearby. After quickly examining all of his options, Guo Jia decided to hide behind a nearby tree. Using everything at his disposal, Guo Jia quietly tiptoed to take his place behind the tree, and shortly after he finished hiding, Xun Yu uncovered his eyes and started to search for him. As Xun Yu looked around, he tried to visualize himself as Guo Jia in order to figure out where he might have hidden.

A faint smile formed on his lips as he walked over to the trees; however, that smile quickly faded when Guo Jia jumped at him and startled him, causing him to involuntarily jump. He blushed from embarrassment and frowned when he realized that it was Guo Jia who jumped at him. Guo Jia couldn't contain his laughter and ended up laughing at Xun Yu's reaction.

"You should have seen your face! It was so..." Guo Jia froze for a second, changing the word that about came out of his mouth. "Hilarious! It was so hilarious!"

Nice save, now Xun Yu won't know that I almost called him cute. However, Guo Jia's struggle to hide his conflicted feelings was not over yet, and he froze when Xun Yu looked at him with hurt puppy dog eyes, like he was begging him to stop laughing and apologize.

"Oh no, that won't work on me," Guo Jia said as he shielded his eyes. "It's your turn to hide."

Xun Yu smiled. "Okay, now go and count."

He pushed Guo Jia to the place where he counted at and waited for the man to close his eyes, then he began to look for his hiding spot. So I need to hide somewhere nearby, but the only things here are trees, bushes, a few flowers, and pebbles. Guo Jia hid behind a tree last time, so I can't do that because it would be too obvious, but I also cannot hide behind flowers or under pebbles. So where can I hide? Xun Yu sighed. Maybe I am overthinking things and making this more complicated than it actually is?

As he gazed in the direction that they came from, Xun Yu noticed that there was a large boulder nearby, and he smiled to himself as he decided that there was the perfect place to hide. He then walked over to the boulder and crouched down behind it to conceal himself from Guo Jia as he patiently waited for the man to find him.

However, his wait didn't last very long because Guo Jia immediately began his search after Xun Yu hid behind the large boulder, and it didn't take him long to realize that Xun Yu was not in the immediate area, this resulted in Guo Jia deciding to expand his search range. As he gazed down the hill, Guo Jia noticed that one large boulder had a rather cute butt, and he resisted the urge to laugh.

"Hm, I wonder... Where, oh where, is Xun Yu?!" Guo Jia exclaimed as he got closer to the large boulder.

Now is my chance to get payback! Xun Yu thought to himself as he jumped out from behind the rock in an attempt to scare Guo Jia, but, instead of scaring the man, he ended up tripping and falling face first towards the very man that he was trying to scare. Seeing this, Guo Jia immediately reacted and caught the man in his arms.

"Wenruo, you need to be more careful. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt." Guo Jia said as he softly gazed at the man.

Xun Yu looked up at him with a blush on his face. He was clearly embarrassed, but the look that Guo Jia was giving him troubled him. Fengxiao, why are you giving me the same look that our Lord usually gives me? Please don't tell me that you like me too, you would only get hurt in the end, and I don't want to lose my friend.

"Uh, thank you for catching me," Xun Yu stated as he pulled himself out of the man's grip and straightened his posture. "I'm sorry for falling on you like that."

Guo Jia didn't know what to say. He desperately hoped that he didn't sour their friendship, and he looked down at his feet, desperate to avoid eye contact before softly whispering, "It's okay."

"We should probably go back to the camp. It's getting late." Xun Yu said as the sun dipped down behind the horizon, bathing the land in an orange hue.

Guo Jia looked up and nodded, he didn't realize that the sun was starting to set. To him, it felt like very little time had passed, but the two had spent the whole day at the scenic location, playing hide and seek. Guo Jia's lips tugged up in a small smile, happy that he was able to spend time with Xun Yu, and the two walked back to the camp in silence.

Once they arrived in the camp after several minutes of walking, Xun Yu turned to Guo Jia and thanked him for spending the day with him, and he gave his friend a quick hug. Shortly after that, Cao Cao walked over to the group, and Guo Jia turned to him, bowing as he tried to conceal his jealousy.

"Greetings my Lord, I assume your raid against Zhuge Liang's forces went well?" Guo Jia inquired, not daring to look up as he gazed at the ground.

If only I was more fortunate and realized it sooner, maybe then we could have been something more than friends. Guo Jia thought bitterly to himself.

~~~ Hehe, Guo Jia's jealous. This book is taking a bigger turn than I thought it would when I was writing this. Guo Jia is adorable, so I might try to make more chapters like this, but we will see. Anyway, thank you for reading this, and I hope you are enjoying the book. Your reads mean a lot to me. Thank you for everything! I will try to publish the next chapter within the next week. Have a great day! ~~~

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