The Beginning

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"You should go swan dive off a building and hope you get a quirk in your next life" Bakugo commented with a sneer causing a tear to stream down young Deku's face. 'Maybe he's right, Midoriya' thought as he began to trek up the stairs, 'Maybe I should.'

Bakugo's friends laugh while recounting the previous events "And then you were all like, go jump off a building Deku, and he was all like, boo hoo I'm going to go cry now" Gesu laughed mimicking their quirkless victim's suffering. "Ha, well I better go now" Bakugo stated, walking away from the front of the school, 'Man, I hope stupid Deku actually kills himsel-' he was interrupted as not even four feet in front of him a body falls from the top of the school hitting the concrete, all bones breaking in a sickening crunch as the mangled, disheveled corpse of Izuku Midoriya lay there, almost lifeless, with the only words spoken being "this is because of you" before the body went limp and lifeless. Bakugo's eyes widened in terror as his skin paled, not only from just the sight of his childhood "friend" being mangled and dead on the concrete in front of him, but also the last words that came from his mouth, this is because of you. Bakugo grabs Deku by what remains of shoulders and picks him up slightly yelling, no, screaming at the top of his lungs "no, no Deku no, you can't die on me Deku! PLEASE DO NOT DIE ON ME DEKU! DEKUUU, DEKU, no no, MIDORIYA! PLEASE GOD NO! PLEASE NO, IZUKU! Please no ho ohhh!" At this point there was a large crowd gathered around Bakugo and the pile of gore once known as Izuku Midoriya.

Now Medical assistants were holding back Bakugo as he kept lunging forward as the doctors put Deku in a body bag knowing that he was long dead by the time they got there. "PLEASE! You have to do SOMETHING, you have to at least try!" "I'm sorry but it appears that your friend died only moments after hitting the concrete" "please, I'll do anything to get him back" Bakugo whispered as one soft tear slowly slid down the fifteen year old's face "I really do wish I could do something for him kid" The doctor said in a soft, sad voice "but it's far to late to do anything now".

Later at home Bakugo sat in his bedroom sitting on his bed eyes full of self-pity, despair, but what shown through more then anything was guilt, it engulfed him like a flame over kindling and made the usually explosive boy feel nothing but shame and regret. He had only thought a few times before that he may have taken it to far but brushed it off moments later, but this time he couldn't brush it off, Deku had killed himself, and he was the reason, he was the only reason he realized with a shock. Deku had always been determined to fulfill his goal of becoming a hero, even without a quirk, but then I pushed him, and shoved him, and burned him, all hoping that he would give up hope in his idiotic dream, he was always good in school, his mom was great, and life for him had been great, "Until me" Bakugo sighed laying down in his bed so he didn't have to feel anything for a bit as he drifted off to sleep.

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